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Glossary of Terms

Regularly consult this Glossary of Terms, as it is frequently updated with new terms and articles. Last updated on: 8/7/2024.


Definition: Ain is the first of the three Veils of Negative Existence in Qabalistic cosmology, representing the concept of Absolute nothingness and the infinite potential that precedes creation. It is the most abstract and ineffable aspect of the divine, beyond human comprehension and description. Ain translates to "nothing" or "no-thing" in Hebrew, signifying the primordial void from which all existence emerges. It is followed by Ain Soph (infinite) and Ain Soph Aur (infinite light).

Ain Soph 

Definition: Ain Soph is the second of the three Veils of Negative Existence, representing the concept of the limitless and infinite. Following Ain, which signifies absolute nothingness, Ain Soph translates to "without end" or "infinite" in Hebrew, denoting the boundless and unmanifest aspect of the divine. It signifies the endless and eternal nature of the divine reality, beyond all comprehension and limitation. Ain Soph embodies the infinite potential and the limitless source from which all creation emanates. In the progression of the Veils, Ain Soph leads to Ain Soph Aur (infinite light), which marks the initial manifestation of divine light and the beginning of creation. Ain Soph is a key concept in understanding the Qabalistic view of the divine as an infinite and all-encompassing presence that transcends the physical and metaphysical realms.

Ain Soph Aur 

Definition: Ain Soph Aur is the third of the three Veils of Negative Existence, representing the concept of infinite light. Following Ain (nothingness) and Ain Soph (limitless), Ain Soph Aur translates to "infinite light" in Hebrew, symbolizing the initial manifestation of the divine into a form that begins the process of creation. It signifies the boundless and radiant emanation of divine energy that flows from the infinite potential of Ain Soph. This infinite light is the source from which the sefirot, or divine attributes, emerge and form the structure of the Tree of Life. Ain Soph Aur embodies the transition from the unmanifest and incomprehensible aspects of the divine to the beginnings of structured existence and order. It is central to the Qabalistic understanding of how the divine infinite becomes accessible and operative within the cosmos, bridging the gap between the limitless and the finite.


Definition: Akasha is a Sanskrit term that refers to the fundamental etheric substance from which all physical and non-physical matter originates. It is considered the primary element that exists beyond the physical plane, often described as the fifth element, or quintessence, in addition to earth, water, fire, and air. Akasha is related to the concepts of the ether, the astral plane, and the prima materia, representing the cosmic source and record of all events, thoughts, and emotions. It is also known as the Akashic Records, a metaphysical library that holds the collective knowledge and history of the universe, accessible through deep meditation and spiritual practices.

Akashic Records

Definition: The Akashic Records are a metaphysical compendium of all universal events, thoughts, emotions, and experiences that have ever occurred or will occur. Often referred to as a cosmic library or database, the Akashic Records are believed to exist in the Akasha, the etheric plane that permeates the universe. These records can be accessed through deep meditation, spiritual practices, and psychic abilities, allowing individuals to gain insights into past lives, future potentials, and the deeper truths of their existence. The concept of the Akashic Records is central to many esoteric and spiritual traditions, serving as a repository of wisdom and knowledge that transcends time and space.

Anticipatory Echo Perception (AEP)

Definition: A form of perception where one can inwardly hear sounds before they occur in the external environment. This phenomenon is primarily related to clairaudience but may incorporate elements of clairvoyance, precognition, and other psychic abilities. AEP is derived from feedforward mechanisms and anticipatory responses, where the subconscious mind prepares for upcoming events before they consciously occur. This phenomenon is akin to sonar, where preemptive echoes provide information about the environment before direct interaction. AEP also relates to the fourth dimension, or the astral plane, and is connected to the sphere of Yesod on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, representing the foundation of subconscious and psychic energies.

Note: Blob Mode is another term for Anticipatory Echo Perception (AEP).

Read more about it here.

Anticipatory Responses

Definition: Anticipatory responses, also known as feedforward mechanisms, are physiological and psychological processes that prepare the body and mind for upcoming events before they occur. These responses involve the subconscious mind predicting and reacting to future stimuli, enabling efficient and effective action. For instance, the digestive system might start producing gastric juices in anticipation of a meal, or muscles might begin to engage in preparation for movement, frequently before we are consciously aware of it. Anticipatory responses are essential for adaptive behavior and are closely related to various psychic and perceptual phenomena, such as Anticipatory Echo Perception (AEP).

Astral Plane

Definition: The Astral Plane is a non-physical realm of existence that is often explored during astral projection, meditation, and lucid dreaming. It is related to the terms such as the ether, the Akasha, and the prima materia, which represent the underlying substance or essence of all creation. The Astral Plane is also referred to as the fourth dimension, a realm beyond the physical where thoughts, emotions, and spiritual energies manifest and interact. This plane is considered a bridge between the material world and higher spiritual realms, serving as a foundation for various psychic and metaphysical experiences.

Astral Projection

Definition: An out-of-body experience (OBE) where an individual's consciousness separates from their physical body and travels in an astral or etheric form. Often associated with deep meditation, lucid dreaming, or near-death experiences. Astral travelers often report the presence of a Silver Cord, an ethereal tether connecting the astral body to the physical body, ensuring a safe return.

Note: Please see related term, Silver Cord.

Read more about it here.


Definition: The phenomenon of being witnessed in multiple places at once during astral projection. Often involves the presence of alien-like entities or other beings.

Note: Please see related terms, Astral Projection and Doppelgangers.

Blob Mode

Definition: A state where one internally hears all sounds that are about to happen in their external environment before they actually occur. This experience is related to the subconscious mind anticipating events.

Note: Blob Mode is the same as Anticipatory Echo Perception (AEP).


Usage: This spelling is most commonly associated with the Jewish mystical tradition that originated in medieval Spain and Provence and was later developed in Eastern Europe. It is the traditional Hebrew spelling.

Context: When spelled "Kabbalah," it typically refers specifically to the Jewish esoteric and mystical teachings. This includes the study of texts such as the Zohar and practices rooted in Jewish religious and spiritual contexts.


Usage: This spelling is often used in Western esoteric and occult traditions. It became popular through the influence of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and other occult societies.

Context: "Qabalah" typically refers to a syncretic system that incorporates Jewish mystical elements but is often blended with Hermeticism, Alchemy, Tarot, and other Western esoteric disciplines. It is used by practitioners who integrate Qabalistic principles into a broader, more eclectic spiritual framework.


Usage: This spelling is less common and is generally used in Christian mystical contexts. It was more prevalent during the Renaissance when Christian scholars were interested in Jewish mystical traditions and sought to reconcile them with Christian theology.

Context: "Cabbala" refers to the Christian adaptation and interpretation of Jewish Kabbalistic teachings. Christian Kabbalists often focused on finding hidden meanings in the Hebrew Bible and integrating these insights into Christian mystical and theological frameworks.

Kabbalah, Qabalah, and Cabbala: All translate to "receiving" or "tradition," signifying the transmission of esoteric knowledge and mystical teachings.


Definition: The psychic ability to perceive scents or smells that are not physically present.

Read more about it here.


Definition: The psychic ability to hear sounds, voices, or messages that are not audible to the normal range of human hearing.

Read more about it here.


Definition: The psychic ability of clear knowing, where information is received without prior knowledge or logical reasoning.

Read more about it here.


Definition: The psychic ability to taste substances without physical contact or presence.

Read more about it here.


Definition: The psychic ability to see events, objects, or information beyond normal sensory contact. 

Read more about it here.


Definition: The psychic ability to sense or feel emotions and physical sensations from other people, places, or events.

Red more about it here.


Definition: The phenomenon of being seen by others in places (or in dreams) where one is physically absent.

Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP)

Definition: The phenomenon of capturing disembodied voices or sounds on electronic recordings, often interpreted as communication from spirits or other non-physical entities.


Definition: Ether, also known as aether, represents the fifth essence beyond the four physical elements of earth, water, fire, and air. It is considered the subtle, all-pervasive substance that fills the universe and serves as the medium for the propagation of light and spiritual energies. Ether is synonymous with, or related to, the Akasha, the astral plane, and the prima materia, embodying the underlying foundation of all creation. Ether is the bridge between the physical and spiritual realms.

Jungian Analysis

Definition: A psychological approach based on the theories of Carl Jung, focusing on the interpretation of dreams, symbols, and the collective unconscious.


Definition: Kether, the Crown, is the first and highest sephira on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, representing the purest manifestation of the divine and the initial point of creation. It embodies the concept of absolute unity and the divine will, acting as the source from which all other sefirot and forms of existence emanate. Kether is often associated with the highest level of spiritual enlightenment and the divine spark within every individual. It is depicted as a brilliant, radiant point of light that initiates the flow of divine energy through the Tree of Life, leading to the creation and sustenance of the universe. Kether is linked to the crown chakra, representing the pinnacle of spiritual consciousness and the direct link to the infinite and eternal. Sometimes referred to as the "White Head."

Mind Melding

Definition: A concept often found in science fiction, where two minds merge or one mind experiences the other's thoughts and feelings.

Multiplex Perception

Definition: Another term for Quantum Cognition, referring to the advanced cognitive ability to perceive and process multiple pasts, presents, and futures simultaneously, as well as multiple psyches and realities.


Definition: Non-locality is a principle in quantum physics and metaphysics that suggests that objects or events are interconnected in ways that transcend the conventional limitations of space and time. This means that an action performed at one location can instantaneously affect an object or event at another location, regardless of the physical distance between them. In quantum physics, non-locality is exemplified by phenomena such as quantum entanglement, where particles remain correlated with each other regardless of the distance separating them. In metaphysical terms, non-locality explains phenomena such as telepathy, remote viewing, and other forms of psychic abilities, where information is perceived beyond the constraints of the physical senses. Non-locality highlights the interconnected nature of the universe and the idea that all things are part of a unified, coherent whole.

Non-Local Consciousness

Definition: Experiencing non-local consciousness involves perceiving and interacting with information, events, and entities beyond the usual limitations of space and time. Individuals who experience non-local consciousness often report a sense of unity with the universe, feeling connected to distant people, places, or events without any physical means of communication. This state of awareness can manifest through various psychic phenomena, such as telepathy, precognition, and remote viewing, where information is accessed in a manner that defies conventional understanding. The experience of non-local consciousness can be profound and transformative.


Definition: Precognition is a psychic ability that involves the perception or awareness of future events before they occur. This phenomenon can manifest through visions, dreams, intuitive feelings, or sudden insights that provide knowledge about upcoming occurrences. Precognition differs from other forms of extrasensory perception (ESP) such as clairvoyance and telepathy, as it specifically pertains to foreseeing events that have not yet happened. It is often associated with heightened intuitive or psychic abilities and is considered a form of temporal perception that transcends the usual constraints of time and space.

Prima Materia

Definition: In alchemy, the original material from which everything is created. In the context of your visions, it represents the black viscous substance, akin to the ink of the Reshimo, symbolizing hidden potential and divine knowledge.

Psycho-Rhetorical Analysis

Definition: Analyzing behaviors and motivations by combining Jungian interpretation of subconscious influences with rhetorical analysis of language and communication patterns.

Quantum Cognition

Definition: The advanced cognitive ability to perceive and process multiple pasts, presents, and futures simultaneously, as well as multiple psyches and realities.

Note: Multiplex Perception is another term for Quantum Cognition.

Quantum Vaulting

Definition: A term from esoteric literature, particularly associated with Kenneth Grant's work, referring to the ability to transcend normal space-time constraints and access other dimensions or realms. This practice involves advanced meditative or magical techniques to navigate and manipulate non-physical realities.

Note: Often involves the use of specific rituals, symbols, and consciousness-expanding practices to achieve these states.


Definition: A Kabbalistic concept referring to the spiritual (and past life) imprint or residue left by the light that once filled a vessel. Contains the potential for future spiritual growth and revelation. 

Silver Cord

Definition: In esoteric and astral projection literature, the Silver Cord is an ethereal tether that connects the physical body to the astral body during out-of-body experiences (OBEs). It is believed to ensure the safe return of the astral traveler to their physical form. This cord is often described as a shimmering or glowing thread that stretches infinitely, maintaining the connection between the two bodies regardless of distance.

Note: Please see Astral Projection.


Definition: A psychic ability where an individual can deeply connect with and experience another person's thoughts, emotions, and sensations as if they were their own, effectively merging with the other person's consciousness. This term was articulated by Joan Ocean as the conveyance of information through feeling, emotion, and intuition rather than through thought or symbol, involving a synthesis of feeling between participating beings of same or differing species.

Temporal Perception

Definition: Temporal perception is the subjective experience and cognitive processing of time by an individual. It encompasses how one perceives the duration, sequence, and flow of events. Temporal perception can vary greatly among individuals and can be influenced by various factors, including psychological states, neurological conditions, and certain practices or abilities.

The Absolute

Definition: The Absolute represents the ultimate, unconditioned reality that transcends all limitations, distinctions, and categories of existence. It is the foundational source and essence of all that is, encompassing both the manifest and unmanifest aspects of the universe. The Absolute is often described as infinite, eternal, and beyond human comprehension, embodying the ultimate unity and oneness of all things. In various philosophical and spiritual traditions, including Qabalism, The Absolute is seen as the source from which all creation emanates and to which all existence ultimately returns. It is synonymous with the divine, the infinite, and the ultimate truth that underlies and pervades all levels of reality. 

Note: In Qabalistic cosmology, Ain represents the first veil of negative existence, signifying absolute nothingness and the infinite potential that precedes creation. The Absolute and Ain both denote the ultimate source and foundation of all existence. While Ain specifically refers to the primordial void and the initial state of nothingness, The Absolute encompasses the entire spectrum of ultimate reality, including both the unmanifest and manifest aspects of existence. Ain is the initial aspect of The Absolute, focusing on the pre-creative void, whereas The Absolute includes the infinite potential (Ain), the limitless (Ain Soph), and the infinite light (Ain Soph Aur) that lead to the manifestation of the universe. 

Time Travel

Definition: Time travel refers to the ability of a conscious mind to perceive or interact with events, information, or experiences from the past or future, beyond the conventional linear progression of time. This phenomenon suggests a nonlocal connection to a transcendental source or dimension where all moments in time coexist simultaneously. Time travel in this context is often associated with heightened states of consciousness, psychic abilities, and the capacity to access the Akashic Records or other forms of non-temporal knowledge.

Time travel directly influences and is influenced by temporal perception. Enhanced temporal perception allows individuals to experience time more fluidly, facilitating abilities such as precognition and retrocognition.


Definition: Practitioners of Quantum Vaulting who are skilled in transcending normal space-time constraints and accessing other dimensions or realms. According to occults texts like those by Kenneth Grant, Vaultigeurs (or Vaulters) engage in advanced meditative and magical practices to achieve these states and explore the non-physical dimensions of existence.


Definition: Yesod is the ninth sephira on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, representing the foundation of the unconscious and the bridge between the spiritual and physical worlds. It is associated with the moon, symbolizing reflection, imagination, and the subconscious mind. Yesod serves as the intermediary through which divine energy from the higher sephirot is channeled into the material realm, represented by Malkuth. In esoteric practices, Yesod is linked to dreams, psychic abilities, and the astral plane, making it a key element in understanding the hidden, foundational aspects of reality. 

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