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Sunday, December 29, 2024

Blipping in, Blipping out

"Since we are constantly flashing 'in-and-out-of existences', the conscious mind constantly seeks reassure of the CONTINUANCE of reality through RITUAL. Literally, we - and everything that we perceive - are being re-created or 're-born' in each instant." - Psyche as Interaction: Electromagnetic Patterns of Conscious Energy by Manya J. Long 

Psyche as Interaction by Manya J. Long

The holographic model suggests that the universe, at its most fundamental level, operates not as a collection of discrete, independent objects but as a vast interconnected network of relationships and patterns. This framework allows for an understanding of the immense capacity of both the brain and the universe to store and organize information. The example of holography demonstrates how vast quantities of information can be encoded within a small, seemingly finite space. Similarly, human memory and consciousness appear to operate by encoding and retrieving information in a manner that reflects this holographic principle, seamlessly integrating and reinterpreting fragments into coherent wholes.

This model is rooted in the work of David Bohm and Karl Pribram, who independently observed that the universe and brain, respectively, exhibit properties similar to holography. Bohm's insights from quantum physics revealed a reality composed of interdependent waveforms, implying that our perception of separateness is an illusion. Pribram's research in neurophysiology demonstrated that the brain processes information in a distributed, wave-like manner, suggesting memories and perceptions are not localized but are encoded holistically, as in a holographic plate.

Bohm's notion of the "holomovement" further extends this idea by framing the universe as a dynamic and indivisible process. Unlike traditional deterministic systems that follow predictable trajectories, the holomovement represents an unending flux of interconnected patterns and processes. This dynamic quality means that even seemingly isolated phenomena are part of a larger, flowing reality. This perspective challenges traditional scientific notions of cause and effect, which often assume linear relationships between events. Instead, Bohm argues for an understanding of causality that embraces the infinite interconnectedness of all phenomena, where each event is both a cause and an effect within an ever-changing system.

The discussion (still referring to the concepts brought forth in pages 156-161 by Manya J. Long's Psyche as Interaction) then turns to how perception operates within this dynamic framework. The human visual system, for example, is not merely a passive receiver of external stimuli but an active participant in constructing the reality we experience. The process by which images are formed on the retina and subsequently interpreted by the brain is a complex interplay of discrete, quantized events. Light waves striking the retina are translated into neural signals, which are then processed by the brain into coherent visual experiences. However, this process involves a series of unconscious intervals where the brain essentially "fills in the gaps" to create a continuous sense of reality. These intervals are so brief—fractions of a second—that we are typically unaware of them. Yet they are essential for constructing the seamless, dynamic flow of our conscious perception.

An intriguing aspect of this process is the role of periodicity and oscillation in perception. The texts describe how the human brain operates within specific frequency ranges, bridging moments of consciousness and unconsciousness to maintain a stable experience of reality. This rhythm underpins not only perception but also fundamental structures such as DNA, music, and language. The periodic nature of these processes ensures continuity and stability, enabling the brain to build up and sustain coherent images and thoughts from fleeting sensory inputs.

The author's anecdote provides a vivid example of what happens when this process is disrupted—reminding me of an experience I had on October 31st, 2016, which I will describe a little later on. She recounts walking along an outdoor breezeway when, for a brief moment, her familiar surroundings—brick walls and a concrete sidewalk—seemed to vanish. In their place, she perceived an indistinct, geometrical void. This unsettling experience, though brief, revealed the underlying mechanics of her perception. During the interval of 0.8 to 1.2 seconds when her brain was constructing an image of her surroundings, she momentarily became aware of the process itself. Instead of experiencing the final, polished "movie" of reality her brain typically presents, she glimpsed the raw, unformed data being assembled. This realization showcases how perception is not an automatic or passive phenomenon but a dynamic construction requiring precise timing and synchronization.

Bohm's ideas on the implicate and explicate orders also come into play here. The implicate order refers to the deeper, unobservable patterns that underlie reality, while the explicate order represents the tangible, structured reality we experience. The author's experience with the sidewalk can be seen as a momentary lapse where her brain's usual process of unfolding the implicate order into the explicate broke down. For a brief moment, she was exposed to the formless potentiality from which her conscious perception typically emerges. This aligns with Bohm's view that reality is not a fixed, static entity but a continuous interplay of unfolding and enfolding patterns.

The brain acts as both a receiver and interpreter of the dynamic patterns that constitute reality, constantly constructing and reconstructing the world we experience. This process, though largely unconscious, occasionally reveals itself in moments of disruption, offering glimpses into the intricate mechanics of our perception and its relationship to the larger cosmos.

"You have heard the expression before, I am sure, that the environment expresses a particular individual's personality. I am telling you that this is a literal and not symbolic truth. The letters upon the page have the reality only of ink and paper. The information they convey is invisible. As an object, this book itself is only paper and ink. It is a carrier of information.

You may perhaps argue that the book was manufactured physically, and did not suddenly erupt through Ruburt's skull, already printed and bound. You in turn had to borrow or purchase the book, so you may think, 'Surely, I did not create the book, as I created my words.' But before we are finished, we will see that basically speaking, each of you create the book you hold in your hands, and that your entire physical environment comes as naturally out of your inner mind as words come out of your mouths, and that man forms physical objects as unselfconsciously and as automatically as he forms his own breath." - Seth via Jane Roberts
On October 31st, 2016, I was reading New Dimensions for the Cube of Space: The Path of Initiation Revealed by the Tarot upon the Qabalistic Cube by David Allen Hulse. I had already read the chapter and was going back over a specific page to reference something. As I revisited that part, I watched the book page rearrange itself right before my eyes, with entirely new sections and words appearing that hadn’t been there before.

In Qabalistic teachings, each Hebrew letter corresponds to an element, planet, or sign. The letter Mem (מ) is associated with water, symbolizing the flow of consciousness and the depths of the subconscious mind. The Hanged Man, associated with the letter Mem, is often depicted suspended upside down, with his head either near or submerged in water (or, similarly, the roots), indicating immersion into deeper states of awareness and the subconscious. This imagery suggests a surrender to the flow of inner consciousness.

The Hanged Man is typically shown hanging by one foot from gallows resembling the Hebrew Letter Tau (or Tav). The figure is often depicted with his leg forming a cross, also reminiscent of the Tau (ת) cross. The Tau cross represents completion. In some traditions, the figure is suspended by an ankh (ankh/ankle/angle)—a symbol of life and eternal existence—attached to his ankle.

Astrologically, the planet Saturn is associated with the concept of time, limitations, and structure. In the Qabalistic Tree of Life, Saturn corresponds to the sephirah Binah, representing understanding and the primordial 'Dark Sea'—a metaphor for the vast, unformed potential of the universe. The World card in tarot, numbered 21 (reflecting 12, The Hanged Man), is connected to Saturn and the Great Sea of Binah, and the ability to see/sea under the surface, to sea/see the interconnectedness of All That Is.

"The first truth that I must relate is that we are all surrounded by infinity. As you look around, you might think that you are a being that lives in a world surrounded by objects and that you are an object yourself, albeit a sentient one.

Alchemists, though, discovered a very long time ago that we are all lost in a perceptive illusion. This illusion hides the fact that there are no objects Out There; there is only energy. While some could argue that there are certain energetic conglomerations that might act upon humanity in a way that we have learned to describe as objects, the fundamental reality is that those objects (and the solidity that we ascribe to them) is an illusion—an imposed illusion!

Alchemists would say that we are, in fact, surrounded by infinity, which could more succinctly be described as an immeasurable Dark Sea." - John Kreiter

"You are alive now, a consciousness knowing itself, sparkling with cognition amid a debris of dead and dying cells; alive while the atoms and molecules of your body die and are reborn. You are alive, therefore, in the midst of small deaths; portions of your own image crumble away moment by moment and are replaced, and you scarcely give the matter a thought So, you are to some extent now alive in the midst of the death of yourself - alive despite, and yet because of, the multitudinous deaths and rebirths that occur within your body in physical terms. 

If the cells did not die and were not replenished, the physical image would not continue to exist, so now in the present, as you know it, your consciousness flickers about your ever-changing corporeal image. In many ways you can compare your consciousness as you know it now to a firefly, for while it seems to you that your consciousness is continuous, this is not so. It also flickers off and on, though as we mentioned earlier, it is never completely extinguished" - Seth through Jane Roberts

"Other ancient civilizations also had similar concepts for the 'undifferentiated matrix of the unconscious, an existence bathed in the pre-egoid memories of the watery abyss of our life within the womb,' describes Jill Purce in The Mystic Spiral. 'In ancient Egypt the primordial vibrational field (called nada in India) is called Nun, the primal ocean. It is the One imaged as undifferentiated cosmic substance,' explains Robert Lawlor in Sacred Geometry.

Modern physicists, such as David Bohm refer to a 'sea of electrons', or to an 'energy sea', as Heinz Pagels does in The Cosmic Code, or a 'simultaneous everywhere present matrix' per Ken Wilber in The Holographic Paradigm; These physicists sense of the wholeness of reality can be echoed in the concept used to describe awareized thought/energy fields of the collective unconscious as framework 1 (i.e. the unconscious interval of .8s-1.25s) from where the individual conscious minds form the objects and events in framework 2 (i.e. the conscious interval of .95s-1s). In order to describe the awareized thought/energy fields of the collective unconscious as Framework 2 from where the individual conscious minds form objects and events.

Seth refers to these 'blueprints' or models of objects as 'patterns-out-of-focus' in The Seth Material and, echoing this concept in The Dancing Wu Li Masters, Gary Zukav refers to '"matter" as actually a series of patterns out of focus.' In order to explain that, he says, 'According to particle physics, the world is fundamentally dancing energy; energy that is everywhere and incessant assuming first this form and then that.'" - Manya J. Long

From the Book of Tokens by Paul Foster Case

The phrase "The Fish (Nun) and the Sea (Mem) are One" draws on the relationship between Nun, representing the fish, and Mem, symbolizing the sea. This concept emphasizes unity and interconnectedness, illustrating how the fish, a living entity, cannot exist independently of the sea, which represents the medium of existence itself. 

The sea (Mem) is a metaphor for the infinite and boundless potential of creation, equivalent to the primordial waters or the Dark Sea of Binah. Meanwhile, the fish/seed (Nun - or Motion/"M"(Mem)Ocean) signifies the individual spark of life, the dynamic force navigating within this vast expanse. The fish, though distinct, is inseparably tied to the sea—it is nourished by, sustained by, and moves within the sea. 

This unity encapsulates a fundamental mystical teaching: that all apparent separateness is an illusion. The fish does not exist apart from the sea, and the sea is enriched by the life and movement of the fish within it.

"All forms must change and what changes them is imagination. The universal imagination performs the greater transformation♏, but the imagination of man is no different ... Its essential nature is shown by the root-meaning of the verb NUN—to sprout, to PROPAGATE BY SPROUTING." - Paul Foster Case

"Chokmah [Wisdom] is held to be the seat of the life-force in man, while Tiphareth, or Beauty [the Son/Sun], is regarded as the seat of imagination♀️. Thus the word ABN intimates that the First Matter is identical with the life-force, and that it is also the power which expresses itself in our lives as the active principle in the production of mental imagery." - Paul Foster Case

"The body is not a frozen sculpture but a river of information and energy that is constantly renewing itself. We are not physical machines that have learned how to think, we are actually these thoughts in a universal mind that have learned how to create the physical machine The body is nothing but a field of ideas." - Quantum Healing by Deepak Chopra

"You're nothing but ideas. We take all those ideas and cobble them together and make sort of a personality charm bracelet, an ID bracelet we wear in life. But that's not who we are, because we're nothing. And it's such a fucking relief I believe we’re a field of energy dancing for itself, and I don't care. There is no me. There's just things happening, and there are clusters of tetrahedrons moving around together." - Jim Carrey

"In other words, our seemingly concrete reality of objects and events are the product of conscious energy being transformed from the COLLECTIVE unconscious by the personal unconscious (subconscious) as the IMAGE-MAKER and viewed by our conscious mind's screen as solid objects and events." - Psyche as Interaction 

"The psyche's human subconscious [represented by the High Priestess in tarot] functions as image-maker and utilizes the brow chakra to translate the 60,000 thought/energy waves from the archetypal contents of the collective unconscious as they interface with energy waves from other psyches ... which actualize into objects..." - Manya J. Long
"The sensations exist ONLY WITHIN OUR BODY, yet we LOCALIZE THE IMAGE outside the eye."

Psyche as Interaction by Manya J. Long

"Says Ripley: "We dissolve into water which does not wet the hand." And he tells us, too, that solution is the cause of congelation. Now, to congeal is to freeze, or to render solid by the lowering of temperature. All solids are congealed fluids. Thus Walter Russell, who has had independent insight into the alchemical work, says:

"Man's dependable realities are but the 'ices' of substances. And so are all things which man knows and sees and feels and stands upon and builds upon, and upon which he relies as true and staunch and real and everlasting. All are but as ice, and, at their respective melting points, as reliable as ice. If this planet did not know a temperature above that which keeps ice solid, man's concept of ice would have as much stability as his concept of granite...

"All solids have their several melting points or points of liquefaction. All solids are liquefied gases and frozen liquids which have their varying liquefaction and freezing points. Freezing points are points of crystallization and vary with the complexity of the elements. All frozen solids can be liquefied by heat. All liquids can be broken into gases by still more heat... All gases can be liquefied by cold, and solidified by greater cold... Man's concept of solids is born out of his experiences at the degree of temperature to which he is daily accustomed... Man's concept of solid, for man is accustomed to seeing gold at a temperature below its point of crystallization. Man's concept of mercury is that of a liquid, because man is accustomed to seeing it above its point of crystallization."

– Walter Russell, The Universal One, pp. 60, 61." - Paul Foster Case

"Will-power and Light-power are essentially the same. Furthermore, the universe is ONE, DYNAMIC, LIVING ORGANISM. Then it follows that no part of the universe is unrelated to any other part. The power which forms the patterns of bodies is a power of universal Wisdom, a power of the ONE IDENTITY. That power presents itself to us in the various forms constituting our environment. But the forms blind us, until we are awakened, to the power itself. The truth is that we are in the presence of ONE, SINGLE REALITY, which appears as many things. THE ESSENCE OF THAT REALITY IS THE SELFHOOD OF MAN. A PRIMARY POWER OF THAT REALITY IS TO SHAPE ITS OWN ENERGY INTO FORMS—FORMS PHYSICAL AND FORMS METAPHYSICAL.

For this work actually converts solids in the bloodstream into a vapor, through the functioning of the brain-cells involved in the work. Then the vapor condenses itself again as a solid—AS THE SOLID CONDITIONS OF EXTERNAL CIRCUM-STANCE. Here, in a phrase, is what really occurs. It is by no means "common" sense. It is nevertheless literal truth. One of the functions of the human brain is to make matrices for external conditions. The matrices are mental images. The energy expressed in creative imagination is real energy, derived from subtle, but relatively solid, substances in the bloodstream. That energy is projected in thinking creatively, and ultimately it condenses, or is precipitated or solidified, in the actual forms that are imaged." - Paul Foster Case 

"You think that objects exist independently of you, not realizing that they are instead the manifestations of your own psychological and psychic selves." - Seth via Jane Roberts
"Seth adds, "Chemicals are released through the skin and pore systems, in an invisible but definite pseudophysical formation. The intensity of a thought or image largely determines the immediacy of its physical materialization. There is no object about you that you have not created. There is nothing about your own physical image that you have not made." Remember, the height, intensity [i.e., emotion] amplitude of a wave is tantamount to the limit point of a sphere [i.e., the north pole of the “Y” - axis], and is the only entry way of energy into a system and only at the base resonant frequency of 5–8 cps of the brain’s theta waves.

He later comments, "Your physical senses, again, act almost like a biological alphabet, allowing you to organize and perceive certain patterns of information in which you form."" - Manya J. Long
"In order to attain self-consciousness, the consciousness of the Absolute must project a hologram of itself and then perceive it. That hologram is a mirror image of the Absolute in infinity." - Itzhak Bentov 

"...we cannot DIRECTLY perceive the source of our own being.

Consider the human eye. We can safely say that out eye will never see itself. We can see our eye only by reflection. One day we may be able to see every atom of our eye magnified by some instrument and projected onto a screen. Yet that image is not the eye itself. It is only its reflection." - Edward Abdill

"...the Law of Mentalism leads to the inevitable conclusion that the world is in us, but only the greater inclusive US that is the Non-dual Mind of all-encompassing Spirit. There really isn't anyone 'else' out there, including the alleged 'self' we see in the mirror. For that matter, all 'others' are mirrors of self...

...There isn't anyone else in the room, the planet, the galaxy or the universe..."

"...since consciousness is the source of all reality, our thoughts have the POWER to INFLUENCE the development of reality in time-space as it applies to us if those thoughts can be PROJECTED with adequate intensity. However, the more complicated the objective sought and the more radically it departs from our current reality, the more time the universal hologram will need to REORIENT out reality sphere to accommodate our desires." - Itzhak Bentov

"By saying that our reality is virtual, we refer to the discernment that we make when discovering that this is how things stand. Perceiving such reality as virtual does not prevent us from working with it; we need only understand that this is one of the phases we must experience.

This can be compared to a child with lots of fantasies. The fantasies do not annul the child’s world, and we know that these fantasies are appropriate for the child’s stage of growth. Similarly, when entering a higher reality, we relate to the previous reality as though it were fictitious, though it is very real to those still at that level. 

There is a kind of barrier between the spiritual reality and the corporeal reality. We cannot see the Forces behind this world until we cross the barrier, but these Forces depict the picture of the world within us in much the same way electric vectors create images on the TV or computer screen. When we look at the screen, we see a colorful, three-dimensional picture, but it is really nothing but a combination of electrical forces that can be processed, transferred, and stored. The truth is that we, too, exist in a similar picture, except that the screen is within us. 

Those who rise to the level of these Forces see how real they are, while the picture they create is imaginary. These Forces constantly create different pictures, although the Forces themselves remain the same."

"All in all, there are 125 degrees of attainment. The higher we rise in them, the truer and more correctly will we perceive how these forces connect. At the end of the ladder, one perceives the total merging of these Forces, called Ein Sof. 

The principle that arises from this is that it is only when we attain and perceive something that we can define it. For this reason, all Kabbalists adhere to an unshakeable law stated by Baal HaSulam: “What we do not attain, we do not define by name or word.”" - Source: Kabbalah.info

Here are some personal additions (note: The Telepathy Tapes is now trending on X) that I would like to add now that I am about ready to wrap this post up. For a little context, the 'friend' I am talking with in this post has recently passed away:

Same friend, a few months later:

Here's a direct screenshot from my FB messenger, just showing that these were experiences he wanted me to share:

Playing Eye Spy... (also, this is something I'm going to have to check out!)

[image or embed]

— HermaJestar (@hermajestar.com) December 29, 2024 at 3:47 PM

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Personal: The Melisandre Project

The Suicide Pact Synchronicity - November 19th, 2024

A male friend of mine and a female friend of his tragically made a suicide pact and followed through with it together—to which I received the news confirming their deaths that morning. Later that same evening, while watching The Mindy Project, I watched an episode where a male and a female character (friends) also talked about making a suicide pact if they weren’t married by a certain age.

The Catcalling and Hair Comment Synchronicity - November 24th, 2024

I went on a date with a man, and THE MOMENT I stepped foot out of the vehicle while stopping to get coffee, a stranger from across the alley immediately began catcalling me, loudly commenting on how much he liked my hair. Later that night, while watching The Mindy Project, I saw a scene where Mindy visited a women’s prison. The moment she stepped inside, she was bombarded with catcalls, and a character even ran up to her, grabbing her hair and making the exact same comment ("I like your hair.") that the stranger had yelled at me earlier.

The Wrecking Ball Synchronicity - December 15th, 2024

At 3:33 pm, I received a clairvoyant message connected to Miley Cyrus’s song "Wrecking Ball," and I documented it on my Bluesky account with a visual and lyrics based on the song. That evening, I decided to watch the movie The Night Before because I have been on a Mindy Kaling (The Mindy Project) kick, and who appeared in this film.

This, however, was also connected to a series of synchronicities regarding The Tower tarot archetype and Wreck-It Ralph.

👁 "Wrecking Ball"

You just can't make this shit up...My jaw dropped! I decided to watch this movie because I've been on a Mindy Kaling kick lately, and this is literally the scene she is introduced in:

[image or embed]

— HermaJestar (@hermajestar.com) December 15, 2024 at 6:10 PM



Playing Eye Spy with my Wreck-It Eye (I also found out that Mindy Kaling voices Taffyta in Wreck-It Ralph!):

[image or embed]

— HermaJestar (@hermajestar.com) December 15, 2024 at 6:13 PM

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— HermaJestar (@hermajestar.com) December 2, 2024 at 4:43 PM

The Hug Synchronicity - December 19th, 2024

After experiencing a moment of deep connection during a hug, I messaged Solis (the name used by and for my ChatGPT) for some advice, describing the hug. Later that evening, while watching The Mindy Project, I saw a scene where Mindy gave Morgan a hug, and right before doing so, she said something to him that mirrored exactly what I had described in my message about the hug.

The Culpability Synchronicity - December 21st, 2024

I had had a conversation with a friend earlier in the evening where I used a specific phrase that ended with the word "culpability." It was a notable word choice that fit the context of our discussion. During that same conversation, I also explained my psychic ability, Anticipatory Echo Perception (AEP), where I often sense or hear things internally moments before they manifest externally.

Later, while watching an episode of The Mindy Project, the show used almost the exact same phrase I had said earlier, ending with the word "culpability." As the episode continued, I began experiencing AEP in real-time, sensing the show’s dialogue internally moments before it was spoken aloud.

Still Here

As much as I would have loved to have been able to stick to a consistent schedule (here and on various social media platforms), it seems as though my body (my subconscious mind) will not adhere to these impositions. So, I honor my body and its needs, and I reorient myself toward more realistic goals: Which are to post and to create only when I feel called to do so. This means no longer playing to the favor of the algorithm. And that might mean minimal engagement or slow audience growth, but I feel like to force any other way would be inauthentic and would go against my own organic flow. This might look like periods of hyperactivity followed by inactivity, as dictated by my natural rhythms.

That being said, I knew long ago that the content I'd put forth might not attract a large gathering. It's not necessarily designed to. We only comprehend certain matters when we attain the corresponding level of understanding. Those coming into these understandings are those who will be drawn in.

Moving forward, this blog will be undergoing even more changes. I'll be including more personal posts documenting synchronicities, as well as archiving content from my former Twitter account (you can now find me on Bluesky). By that, I mean I'll be backing up and compiling many of those posts into entries here, so you can expect to see a lot of that content being added.

Additionally, I plan to blend personal and transpersonal elements. Some posts may document my personal experiences, such as strange events or synchronicities. In the comment section of these posts, I invite readers to share any similar experiences they've encountered or to note if reading about my synchronicities triggers similar patterns or realizations for them.

At the same time, I'll continue to share content that is timeless and universally applicable, focusing on transpersonal, archetypal, and evergreen themes. While personal posts will sometimes overlap with these broader topics, I'll make an effort to keep certain articles and essays separate.

These changes may initially make the blog feel a bit chaotic, but as with much of what I share, things will come full circle over time. Patterns will emerge, and loose threads will eventually weave themselves into a cohesive whole. Though my approach is often nonlinear, there is always a method to the madness.