Welcome Seeker

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Shorts: Strength

Strength (VIII)

Element: Fire 
Astrological Sign: Leo 
Planet: Sun 
Hebrew Letter: Teth (ט) 
Kabbalistic Path: Path 19 (Chesed to Geburah)
Numerology: 8 (Strength, balance, power, infinity)
Archetype: The Healer, The Compassionate Leader

Symbols -

- Woman and Lion: The woman represents calm control, purity, and higher consciousness, while the lion symbolizes primal instincts, desires, and the untamed aspects of human nature. Their interaction symbolizes the mastery of the higher self over base desires through compassion, not force.

- Infinity Symbol (Lemniscate): Floating above the woman's head, it symbolizes eternal balance, infinite potential, and mastery of both spiritual and physical realms, connecting Strength to the infinite flow of energy between the conscious and subconscious mind.

- White Robe: The purity and divine connection of the woman, indicating that her strength comes from a place of spiritual wisdom and inner clarity.

- Chain of Flowers: The gentle and harmonious control over the lion through love and understanding, symbolizing the power of gentleness and inner strength over brute force.

- Mountains in the Background: Represent challenges, aspirations, and spiritual attainment. They indicate that the woman’s strength is drawn from overcoming difficulties and reaching higher states of consciousness.

- Green Field: Symbolizes fertility, growth, and the harmonious connection to nature, suggesting that true strength aligns with the natural flow of life, embodying the energies of love and compassion.

Keywords -

Upright: Courage, compassion, inner strength, self-control, influence through gentleness, harmony between higher and lower selves, overcoming adversity with patience and love.  

Reversed: Self-doubt, weakness, loss of confidence, imbalance between instincts and higher self, suppressed emotions, lack of courage.

Video Transcription:

"The Strength tarot card is a powerful symbol of inner control and balance between our higher self and our more primal instincts. It depicts a woman gently controlling a lion, representing our ability to tame and harmonize our lower nature with our higher, spiritual nature. This card reminds us that true strength comes not from force but from compassion, patience, and understanding.

Astrologically, Strength is associated with Leo, symbolizing vitality, courage, and leadership. The card invites us to connect with both our passions and our self-discipline. When these forces are united, they empower us with resilience and calm control over life’s challenges.

The Hebrew letter Teth, meaning "serpent," corresponds to this card, representing wisdom and the flow of life force, known as Kundalini, which rises when we master the balance between our physical and spiritual selves—granted only via the Merits of the Heart."

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