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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Shorts: The Lovers

The Lovers (VI)

Element: Air 
Astrological Sign: Gemini 
Planet: Mercury 
Hebrew Letter: Zayin (ז) 
Kabbalistic Path: Path 17 (Binah to Tiphareth) 
Numerology: 6 (Harmony, Union, Choice, Reciprocity) 
Archetype: The Lovers, the Union of Opposites


- Angel Raphael: Represents super-consciousness and divine guidance, overseeing the union of opposites and blessing the connection between the figures below.

- Adam and Eve: Symbolize the conscious and subconscious minds, and the union of opposites. Adam represents self-consciousness (reason), while Eve represents the subconscious (intuition and emotion).

- The Mountain: A symbol of aspiration and spiritual growth, representing the challenges of attaining a higher state of understanding and the ultimate union of opposites, resulting in super-consciousness.

- Tree of Knowledge (Eve’s side): Represents wisdom and the knowledge of good and evil. The five fruits symbolize the five senses, which guide human experience.

- Tree of Life (Adam’s side): Symbolizes the zodiac with its twelve fruits, representing the cosmic forces that influence the individual and the world.

- Serpent: Signifies temptation, wisdom, and the force of kundalini energy, urging humanity toward experience and growth through choice and self-awareness.

- The Sun: The source of life and enlightenment, representing clarity, vitality, and the life force animating all creation.

- Nudity of Adam and Eve: Suggests vulnerability, innocence, and the unhidden nature of truth when it comes to love and union.


Upright: Love, harmony, relationships, choices, alignment of values, union, integration, emotional balance, personal growth.  

Reversed: Disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values, indecision, conflict, separation, confusion in relationships, difficult choices.

Video Transcription: 

"The Lovers tarot card, Key 6, represents harmony, choice, and the union of opposites. It highlights the dynamics between dualities, whether in relationships or within oneself. Ruled by Gemini, the card emphasizes the importance of understanding and balancing contrasting forces, such as intellect and emotion, or spiritual and physical desires. 

Zayin, the Hebrew letter associated with this card, means "sword" and signifies the power of discernment and cutting through illusions to perceive the truth clearly.

In the imagery, Adam and Eve represent the conscious and subconscious aspects of the mind. Raphael, the angel, symbolizes higher guidance, overseeing the union of these two forces. The mountain in the background suggests spiritual ascent, while the trees behind Adam and Eve represent knowledge and life. The tree of knowledge, with its five fruits, corresponds to the five senses, and the serpent represents wisdom and temptation."

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