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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Shorts: High Priestess

The High Priestess (II)

Element: Water 
Planet: The Moon  
Astrological Sign: Cancer  
Hebrew Letter: Gimel (ג)  
Kabbalistic Path: Path 13 (Kether to Tiphareth)  
Numerology: 2 (Duality, Reflection, Memory, Balance)  
Archetype: The Oracle, The Mystical Feminine  

Symbols -

Pillars (Jachin and Boaz): Represent duality (light and dark, active and passive), the balance of opposites.  
Veil of Pomegranates: Symbolizes the mysteries that lie beyond the visible, a boundary between conscious reality and the hidden subconscious.  
Scroll (Tora): The Law or knowledge of the universe, implying sacred wisdom and hidden truths.  
Crescent Moon at her Feet: Reflects intuition, cycles, and the subconscious mind.  
Crown of the Triple Moon: Represents the three phases of the Moon (waxing, full, waning), symbolic of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone archetypes.  
Water Flowing Beneath her Robe: The flow of subconscious thought and emotion, representing hidden depths and the nature of mind.  
Blue Robe: Calm, reflection, and the boundless nature of the subconscious.  
Cross on her Chest: Balance of the four elements, the material and the spiritual.  

Keywords -

Upright: Intuition, secrets, wisdom, subconscious mind, mystery, spiritual insight, inner voice, divine feminine.  
Reversed: Repression of intuition, hidden agendas, ignoring inner wisdom, blocked psychic abilities, confusion.  

Video Transcription:

"The High Priestess represents the stillness of the subconscious mind, a feminine force in balance with the masculine Magician. She is the gatekeeper between the conscious and the hidden mysteries, depicted as seated between two pillars, Jachin and Boaz, symbols of polarity and the dual nature of the universe—light and dark, passive and active. The letter Gimel, linked with the Priestess, signifies a camel, which travels across the vast desert of the Abyss, the space of unknown knowledge and intuition.

Her scroll, the Tora, suggests an understanding of natural laws and cosmic cycles, while her connection to the Moon reflects the fluidity of inner truths, receptive to the cycles of consciousness, waxing and waning like lunar phases. The path she represents on the Tree of Life—Path 13—bridges the known and the unknown, leading toward Daath, the hidden sephira of knowledge.

In her purity, she mirrors the forces of creation before they take form, holding the energy of all possibility. She sits in stillness, poised between potential and manifestation, waiting to reflect what is projected into her."

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