Welcome Seeker

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Video: The Fae

Video Transcription:

"The fae, often romanticized as nature spirits or fairies, are far more intricate than popular myth suggests. In their true essence, they represent primordial forces that operate beyond human perception, weaving the subtle fabric of nature and reality. Unlike mere folklore entities, the fae are interdimensional beings, manifesting in both energetic and symbolic forms, acting as the hidden currents behind natural phenomena.

Their origins stem from pre-human intelligences, entities that were never confined to the physical realm as humans are. They exist in the etheric layers, just beneath the surface of material existence, where the flow of elemental forces—earth, air, fire, and water—converges. The fae are custodians of these forces, regulating the balance between the spiritual and material, ensuring that life’s processes unfold in alignment with cosmic order. They are neither benevolent nor malevolent in human terms, but rather operate according to laws far older than morality.

In their truest form, fae are not the diminutive, whimsical beings portrayed in folklore. Their manifestations can be elusive, shifting in appearance to mirror the psyche of the observer or the environment in which they reside. To those sensitive enough to perceive them, they might appear as shimmering lights, shadows that dance at the edge of vision, or even distortions in the natural world, like the sudden stillness of wind or an inexplicable shift in temperature.

These beings do not adhere to linear time as we know it. The fae exist in a simultaneity of past, present, and future, engaging with the human realm when the conditions—astrological, elemental, or emotional—permit the thinning of veils between dimensions. In such moments, their presence can be felt as a surge of otherworldly energy or as sudden, uncanny synchronicities in nature.

True interactions with the fae are often initiations into deeper mysteries. Those who encounter them frequently experience psychic shifts or awakenings, as the fae serve as gatekeepers to the unseen realms. However, these encounters require caution. The fae are known to bend perception, leading one into altered states of consciousness where time may stretch or compress, and reality itself can become fluid. Their gifts—if given—carry hidden consequences, as their nature is bound to the principle of balance; nothing is offered without a corresponding exchange.

In some traditions, the fae are seen as echoes of the ancient gods, entities that have withdrawn from direct interaction with humanity, residing instead in realms parallel to our own. These realms, often referred to as Faeryland, are not mere physical places but vibrational zones where the laws of physics and reality bend. Entry into these realms is often symbolic of crossing thresholds—both literal and spiritual—such as twilight, crossroads, or liminal spaces between life and death.

Thus, the fae are more than the sum of their mythic parts. They are manifestations of nature’s hidden intelligence, deeply tied to the cycles of growth, decay, and rebirth. To understand the fae is to recognize the living consciousness within the natural world, an intelligence that is ancient, vast, and operating in dimensions largely inaccessible to the rational mind."

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Lunar Guidance: 10/15/2024

Author's Note: These messages are evergreen. No doubt you've heard this all before (and far too often, if I'm being honest), but it's a point worth reiterating here. Whenever you come across these messages, they're relevant or will soon become relevant. I will even venture to say that every reading you come across directly applies to you in some way, even those readings you might give for others. This is true even when it doesn't "resonate." Everything, no matter how unsavory, that enters into your sphere of awareness is relevant to you in some way (even if you never come to comprehend why) and on some levelotherwise it would never have come into your conscious awareness or lived experience at all. It just might not be relevant in terms of the lens you're viewing it through at the moment. But that doesn’t mean it lacks relevance altogether.

At the center of the message lies a moment of quiet stillness, a freezing of time, like the rune Isa, where movement halts, creating space for reflection. Around this stillness, there is a force building, a radical shift represented by Uranus. This energy is chaotic but also liberating, disrupting old patterns and moving towards new realms of possibility, much like the duality inherent in Gemini—the twins, two sides of one whole, always in conversation with one another.

The number two signifies this balance, the point where opposites come together and where choices must be made. It's a mirror of reflection, a dance between partnership and opposition. The season of Fall comes in as a time of transition, a shedding of what is no longer needed, a necessary preparation for what lies ahead.

These dueling energies also reveal how easily perception can be swayed, particularly when fear and pain are amplified. There is a veil that has been cast, one that many choose to accept because it is more comfortable than facing the raw, unsettling truth. There seems to be an ever-widening divide between those who seek to awaken and those who remain bound by the illusions.

You are being called to see through the distortion, to recognize that what is presented on the surface is often a mask. There is a need for discernment, a courage to face the darkness and to question the narratives that have been placed before you. Trust the deeper knowing, the inner voice that sees beyond the immediate. Only through this can the real truth be uncovered, and the veil of illusion lifted. This is not just about the facts, but about the spiritual journey of seeking clarity in a world that often thrives on confusion.

The Unicorn appears as a beacon of purity and rare possibility. It whispers that the impossible can become real (the occult may become manifest), but only if you are willing to believe in the unseen—in the Invisible Self. This belief in the magical brings the notion of freedom, an expansive space, but it is freedom tempered by responsibility. The snail is a reminder to move slowly, deliberately, and without rushing ahead. When we harness our one-pointedness, progress—even slow progress—is still progress. Trust in the spiral, in the Law of Rotation, is paramount.

The word “Yes!” reverberates like a universal confirmation, an affirmation that the answers you seek are already within you, waiting to be unlocked. Make a wish, and let that wish serve as a seed of potential, knowing that enigmas—the things you cannot yet understand—are part of the beauty. Not all mysteries are meant to be solved instantly.

The Dollhouse hints at something small and intricate, a constructed reality that feels safe but perhaps too controlled. It asks you to examine the structures you’ve built, and whether they are confining your spirit. 

"You Matter" radiates with the magnet’s pull, reminding you of the cosmic Law of Attraction (the Law of Mirroring). What you put out into the world returns to you in kind. "On My Wavelength" brings harmony, an alignment of energies, where you will find your people, those who truly resonate with your frequency. 

Lastly, "You Are Enough!" wraps the message in an embrace of worthiness. There is no need for external validation or change—everything you need is within, and the magnet represents the undeniable pull of your energy. 

Synthesized message:

There is a (pregnant) pause, a moment where time freezes, and in that silence, a transformation begins. The old falls away, revealing truths you have avoided but must now face. What you seek is not hidden, though the path to it may seem shrouded in mystery. Trust the light that guides you in the darkest moments, for it is only in those depths that you will find the keys to your own freedom. Slow down—each step matters, even the ones that feel like they lead nowhere. You are not lost. The forces aligning around you are preparing for a greater shift, one that requires belief in the unmanifest and faith in the unfolding enigma. You are enough, and your energy draws to you all that you need. There is a great magnetism in your presence, pulling the right energies, people, and opportunities into your orbit. Know that you are being guided, not just by forces outside of you, but by the wisdom you carry within. Now is the time to acknowledge your worth and trust the connection you feel.

Unfolding layers of hidden truths, with slow but steady progress, and the need for self-trust. The energy of change is looming, but patience is required to fully integrate and navigate the forces at play. There are subtle deceptions or illusions that need to be cleared, especially concerning outward appearances or constructed realities. Balance, communication, and alignment with the right energies are key, and reassurance is given that you have everything necessary within you already.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Shorts: The Hermit

The Hermit (IX)

Element: Earth
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Planet: Mercury
Hebrew Letter: Yod (י)
Kabbalistic Path: Path 20 (Chesed to Tiphareth)
Numerology: 9 (Completion, wisdom, introspection)
Archetype: The Sage, The Wise Guide


  • Lantern and Six-Pointed Star: The Hermit’s lantern holds a six-pointed star, representing wisdom, divine light, and guidance. The light he carries symbolizes the inner knowledge that illuminates the path of truth for both himself and others, showing that wisdom gained through solitude is meant to be shared.

  • Staff: The staff is a symbol of support, representing the willpower and inner authority of The Hermit. It suggests spiritual mastery and the strength to continue the journey of self-discovery, reminding us that wisdom is not passive but actively cultivated.

  • Mountain Peak: The Hermit stands on a mountain, symbolizing spiritual elevation, the summit of knowledge, and solitude at the heights of self-realization. The mountain represents the challenges overcome through inner work and the isolation necessary to reach higher consciousness.

  • Gray Robe: The gray cloak of The Hermit symbolizes the wisdom gained through balancing light and darkness. It represents neutrality and detachment from worldly distractions, as well as the concealed mysteries the Hermit embodies.

  • Yod (י): The smallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Yod symbolizes divine essence, humility, and the spark of creation. It indicates the purity of The Hermit’s mission to seek higher truth and connect with the divine through introspection.


  • Upright: Inner wisdom, introspection, solitude, spiritual guidance, self-reflection, enlightenment, seeking truth, personal growth, retreat from distractions.
  • Reversed: Isolation, loneliness, withdrawal, misdirection, fear of facing inner truths, avoidance of introspection, loss of purpose.

Video Transcription:

"The Hermit card in Tarot represents introspection, inner wisdom, and solitude. It’s about stepping away from the external world to find truth and guidance within yourself. The figure of the Hermit carries a lantern, symbolizing the light of inner wisdom that illuminates the path for both himself and others. Often associated with Virgo and the Hebrew letter Yod, this card embodies the quiet process of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Saturn, sometimes linked to The Hermit, brings a deeper layer of understanding. Saturn is known for its restricting and isolating energy, but this is not a punishment. Instead, these limitations encourage us to turn inward. By isolating us from distractions, Saturn's influence allows for deep reflection, forcing us to cultivate our spiritual gifts and understand our life's purpose. This period of restriction offers the opportunity for profound inner work, fostering growth that can only come through such introspection and seclusion."

Lunar Guidance: 10/13/2024

You are standing at the intersection of desire and restraint, and the key is in knowing when to act and when to allow things to unfold naturally. A dynamic equilibrium is at play, urging you to listen closely to the quiet guidance that lies beneath the surface before stepping fully into your power.

There is a surge of energy and strength asking to be channeled with precision and intent. Passion and drive are heightened, but they require a guiding force, a steady hand that knows when to strike and when to hold back. You are being called to face the things that may have held you back before, and the fire that rises within is both a transformative tool and a catalyst for growth. This moment is about harnessing that inner fire and directing it towards your deepest desires, but not in a way that burns out quickly—rather, in a sustained, controlled burn that lights the way forward.

I'm your Venus, I'm your Fire, your Desire

Emotional depth and creativity are flowing strongly through you. The waters of your inner world are rich with potential, and imagination plays a crucial role in shaping your reality. There is a deep connection to the heart and emotions, suggesting that your dreams and desires are not only valid but essential to your personal evolution. Your emotional intelligence and capacity to nurture these dreams will play a key role in their manifestation. There’s a strong feminine energy, intuitive and compassionate, that guides you through these waters, urging you to embrace both your emotions and your creative vision.

Communication and expression are vital. There’s a message here about the importance of speaking up, of using your voice to bring your ideas and desires into the world. Whether through conversations with others or self-expression through your talents, the act of speaking your truth is directly linked to the opportunities that are coming your way. The words you use now carry weight, and they have the power to set off a chain reaction, where one step leads naturally to the next, creating a domino effect that opens up new possibilities.

Innovation and bold thinking are key to unlocking these possibilities. You are being asked to step outside the boundaries of what has been done before, to approach situations with fresh eyes and an open mind. This is not a time for playing small; rather, it's about confidently stepping into your talents and embracing your unique gifts. The validation you seek will come, but only after you trust yourself enough to take that leap. Your ideas and creativity hold the potential to inspire not only yourself but those around you.

The message here is also about reciprocity—the give and take in relationships, both personal and professional. As you move forward, consider the balance between what you offer and what you receive. There's an interplay between action and rest, giving and receiving, that is crucial now. The energy you put out will come back to you in equal measure, so approach your connections with authenticity and openness, trusting that what you need will be returned to you in kind.

As you navigate this period of growth and movement, remember that you are in the midst of a larger cosmic unfolding. The steps you take now are part of a greater chain of events that will continue to ripple outward, affecting not only your path but the paths of those connected to you. There’s a sense of divine timing at play, and while you may be called to act boldly, there’s also an understanding that everything is aligning as it should. Trust in your ability to navigate both the fire and the water within you, and know that your dreams are well within reach.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Lunar Guidance: 10/12/204

There’s a sense of deep-rooted stability that is starting to surface, built from the groundwork you’ve been laying over time. The natural world and your connection to it play a significant role in your growth right now, reminding you that your path is grounded, steady, and in sync with forces greater than yourself. There is a rising energy—a quiet momentum urging you upward, encouraging your personal expansion.

Your emotions are moving through you like currents, guiding your next steps. These emotional waves aren’t something to be ignored, for within them lies a deeper truth about your journey. Investigating the feelings and patterns that emerge will provide insights that push you further along the path. There’s a quiet, introspective moment here, one where self-awareness is key. As you reflect, answers will begin to emerge, clarifying not just your direction, but the strength that lies beneath it.

The energy of manifestation is potent now. The work you’ve put in is starting to show results. The symbolic movement toward something greater is undeniable. The invisible threads that connect you to your desires are strengthening, pulling your goals into view. There’s an alignment happening, a natural magnetic pull that’s drawing opportunities toward you without the need for force or struggle.

Within this space, there’s a reminder of connection—whether it’s familial ties, close bonds with friends, or the connections you’ve forged over time. These relationships, built on mutual respect and shared experiences, are playing a supportive role in your current phase. The exchange of ideas and the silent understanding between these bonds offer you grounding and insight. Pay attention to these interactions, for they carry wisdom that helps guide you forward.

A powerful, upward force is emerging. It’s as if the world around you is supporting your rise, urging you to step into your full potential. There’s a clarity and strength in this movement—a sense of purpose that can’t be ignored. But even as this energy builds, there’s a protective element, a quiet nudge to be mindful of what or who you allow into your space. The magnetic force working in your favor draws many things to you, and with it comes the need for discernment. It’s important to recognize the energies that align with your goals and those that may pull you off course.

Ultimately, you’re at a powerful juncture where internal reflection meets external action. Emotions guide you deeper, uncovering truths that strengthen your resolve, while a steady upward motion propels you toward your goals. Opportunities are magnetized to you, naturally aligning with the energy you’ve cultivated. Trust in your vision, remain discerning, and allow the rising current to carry you forward with purpose and confidence.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Lunar Guidance: 10/11/2024

This moment is about embracing a new kind of motion—one that doesn’t just move you forward but opens you to the many paths and potentials that spiral out from where you stand. You are not confined by a single direction, but rather, invited to explore all the pathways available to you, each one filled with its own set of possibilities. The sense of duality you’re feeling is not something to resolve, but to integrate: hold the power of quick action in one hand, and deep inner trust in the other. You can move with purpose while still allowing space for curiosity and evolution.

The key to navigating this period lies in your ability to trust your instincts and redefine what action looks like. It’s not about aggressive or hurried movement, but about tapping into your inner knowing and taking steps from a place of full awareness. You’ve cultivated a strong sense of self, and this self-trust is your most valuable asset as you move through the possibilities before you.

There is a current of destiny moving through this time, but it’s not about passively allowing fate to carry you. Instead, it’s about actively engaging with the opportunities that present themselves, recognizing that while external forces may open doors, you are the one who decides how to walk through them. This is a powerful partnership between your will and the wider energies that are aligning around you.

Creativity and vision are crucial right now. Your ability to see beyond the ordinary and imagine new possibilities will be key in manifesting what you desire. Connections—whether with people, ideas, or energies—are instrumental in expanding your vision. Don’t hesitate to collaborate or seek advice, as others may offer perspectives that light the way forward.

Finally, understand that you are already in the process of attracting what you need. You are in the center of a vortex of energy that is gathering around you, pulling in the resources, people, and opportunities that align with your path. The shift you seek is already in motion, and your role is to recognize it, trust it, and take action from a place of inner certainty. You are not chasing dreams—they are gathering around you, waiting for you to step into them with confidence and openness.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Lunar Guidance: 10/10/2024

You are entering a period where both inner and outer forces are aligning to bring you toward your true path, but the journey will require both personal strength and collaboration. You’ve encountered resistance, but this is a time to rise above it, knowing that these challenges are forging a stronger sense of purpose within you. There is wisdom in both struggle and perseverance, and your courage is being shaped by the fires you have walked through.

Partnership and cooperation are key now—there are forces around you that, when harmonized, will push you further than you could go alone. While it may feel instinctual to go it alone, the energy of teamwork and collective wisdom will be a powerful asset. Reach out to those around you, particularly when the way forward seems unclear. The strength of community will carry you when your own reserves feel low, and in this balance, progress will accelerate.

You stand in a position of immense personal power, encouraged to step boldly into the light and embrace the unique gifts that you carry. The time has come to stop holding back—your ability to lead and inspire is at its peak, and there is no room for doubt now. While the world around you shifts, your confidence must remain steady, like the sun, unwavering in its brilliance.

However, even as you shine outwardly, the message of turning within is strong. This is a time of involution, a call to dive deep into your inner world, exploring the realms of self-awareness and personal transformation. As you venture inward, allow your mind to remain open and flexible, recognizing that your thoughts, beliefs, and mental patterns are malleable. Like clay, they can be reshaped to serve your highest purpose.

Abundance is flowing toward you, not just in material forms but in emotional and spiritual fulfillment. Stay open to receiving this prosperity, for it is your rightful inheritance. As you navigate this path, you will find a sense of belonging—whether within yourself, a community, or a larger purpose. The desire for connection and feeling at home is a crucial aspect of your growth now, reminding you that you are part of something greater.

Remember, your actions have a profound impact, even in ways that may not be immediately visible. Every step you take, every choice you make, ripples out into the world. You are creating a legacy, whether you realize it or not, and the time has come to align with the deeper truth of the impact you wish to leave behind.

Finally, the dreams you have nurtured are beginning to take form. The once-distant visions are manifesting, moving from concept into reality. Obstacles that have stood in your way are being removed—barriers are dissolving as the energy of Ganesha clears the path before you. Now is the time to rise, to step fully into your power, and to embrace the unfolding of your dreams with both trust and determination.

Trust your instincts, much like the wolf who knows when to act alone and when to call on the strength of the pack. Your intuition is guiding you in the right direction, and with every challenge you face, remember that you are brave—you are more than capable of navigating this journey. Keep your eyes forward, your spirit strong, and know that everything you’ve been working toward is within reach.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Lunar Guidance: 10/9/2024

You are on the cusp of major change, where the wisdom of your past and your deep connections to heritage will serve as both grounding and a point of release. To move forward, you must break free from old structures and open yourself to transformation, trusting that the disruptions along the way are making space for a brighter, more illuminated path.

Tower Moments

This is a time for courage and decisive action, as you are called to stand in your power, much like a warrior forging ahead with clarity and purpose. There may be unexpected shifts that shake your foundations, but they are necessary to clear the way for new possibilities. The energy of creative inspiration and clarity will soon guide you, shedding light on where you need to go and how to take the next step.


A strong theme of travel—both physical and metaphorical—emerges here. You are once again encouraged to step outside your comfort zone, to explore new horizons, and to engage with the world with curiosity and openness. Whether through actual travel or the journey of the mind and spirit, this phase is about expanding your worldview, seeking knowledge, and moving swiftly toward growth.

Vulnerability continues to be key. By undressing, symbolically shedding the layers that you've outgrown, you reveal your True Self and make room for authentic experiences and connections. This exposure will feel both exhilarating and necessary, bringing a sense of excitement as you embark on this new journey.

Pluto's energy demands deep transformation, urging you to confront what has been hidden or buried. This is also a time to take the initiative and step into the unknown, trusting in your ability to handle whatever comes next. Though the energy around you may feel intense, new opportunities are emerging. And they promise to ignite both your passion and your purpose.

The World

You are nearing the completion of an important cycle. What has been building is about to come to fruition. With this completion comes new beginnings, and the possibility of a fresh start that feels aligned with your deepest desires and needs.

The Fool

Ultimately, this message is about stepping into a new phase with boldness, clarity, and a renewed lust for life. You are being guided to embrace the unknown, to take risks, and to continue to trust that the path ahead—though unfamiliar—will bring you closer to your True Self and your highest potential. Be open to adventure, both within and beyond, and allow yourself the freedom to explore the limitless possibilities that await.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Shorts: Strength

Strength (VIII)

Element: Fire 
Astrological Sign: Leo 
Planet: Sun 
Hebrew Letter: Teth (ט) 
Kabbalistic Path: Path 19 (Chesed to Geburah)
Numerology: 8 (Strength, balance, power, infinity)
Archetype: The Healer, The Compassionate Leader

Symbols -

- Woman and Lion: The woman represents calm control, purity, and higher consciousness, while the lion symbolizes primal instincts, desires, and the untamed aspects of human nature. Their interaction symbolizes the mastery of the higher self over base desires through compassion, not force.

- Infinity Symbol (Lemniscate): Floating above the woman's head, it symbolizes eternal balance, infinite potential, and mastery of both spiritual and physical realms, connecting Strength to the infinite flow of energy between the conscious and subconscious mind.

- White Robe: The purity and divine connection of the woman, indicating that her strength comes from a place of spiritual wisdom and inner clarity.

- Chain of Flowers: The gentle and harmonious control over the lion through love and understanding, symbolizing the power of gentleness and inner strength over brute force.

- Mountains in the Background: Represent challenges, aspirations, and spiritual attainment. They indicate that the woman’s strength is drawn from overcoming difficulties and reaching higher states of consciousness.

- Green Field: Symbolizes fertility, growth, and the harmonious connection to nature, suggesting that true strength aligns with the natural flow of life, embodying the energies of love and compassion.

Keywords -

Upright: Courage, compassion, inner strength, self-control, influence through gentleness, harmony between higher and lower selves, overcoming adversity with patience and love.  

Reversed: Self-doubt, weakness, loss of confidence, imbalance between instincts and higher self, suppressed emotions, lack of courage.

Video Transcription:

"The Strength tarot card is a powerful symbol of inner control and balance between our higher self and our more primal instincts. It depicts a woman gently controlling a lion, representing our ability to tame and harmonize our lower nature with our higher, spiritual nature. This card reminds us that true strength comes not from force but from compassion, patience, and understanding.

Astrologically, Strength is associated with Leo, symbolizing vitality, courage, and leadership. The card invites us to connect with both our passions and our self-discipline. When these forces are united, they empower us with resilience and calm control over life’s challenges.

The Hebrew letter Teth, meaning "serpent," corresponds to this card, representing wisdom and the flow of life force, known as Kundalini, which rises when we master the balance between our physical and spiritual selves—granted only via the Merits of the Heart."

Lunar Guidance: 10/8/2024

Today brings with it a powerful shift that you may not have anticipated, but one that will lead to success. Your emotions and intuition are key players, so pay close attention to the stirrings in your heart. There is an opportunity for deep reflection, where your personal needs and desires come to the forefront, encouraging you to nurture what truly matters.

There is an air of cleverness and subtle movement in your surroundings. Be sharp and aware—something unexpected is coming your way, and with it, the chance to take action. You're being guided to step outside your comfort zone, to take a bold risk. By doing so, you open doors to opportunities that you might not have thought possible. Victory is in reach, but it will require courage and faith in your own ability to move forward.

Today holds the promise of new possibilities, reminding you to stay open to a range of outcomes. Relief is coming, a lightness of spirit and body that will wash over you once you embrace the change that is stirring within. As you lean into this new energy, you’ll find a deeper sense of belonging—whether within yourself, in your relationships, or within a larger group. This is a moment to settle into your place, knowing that your presence and your actions have meaning.

Anchor yourself in life's natural rhythms and cycles, like the creatures of the earth that adapt to their surroundings. There’s beauty in both the stillness and the leap, and today, you are being asked to embody both. By having faith in the process and permitting yourself to take that leap, you align with the possibilities that await. You are on the brink of something significant—stay open, stay present, and let yourself be led toward it.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Lunar Guidance: 10/7/2024

You are embarking on a period of deep transformation, where each step you take aligns with a greater flow of energy and purpose. This is not merely a period of change, but a dynamic unfolding of events that have been long in the making. The message today is clear: you are at the center of this journey, and your actions—both large and small—hold significant power. Do not underestimate the ripple effect of the choices you make now, for they are part of a larger, intricate pattern weaving its way through your life.

There is an invitation today to tap into your own inner power and creativity. The time has come to release old, stagnant patterns and move forward with a sense of purpose. What might have once held you back is no longer a barrier but instead becomes a resource for your growth. It is important to recognize that all experiences, even the ones that seemed like obstacles, are vital ingredients in your journey. They provide fuel for your transformation, allowing you to grow stronger and wiser.

The energy surrounding you encourages fluidity and adaptability. In this space, rigidity will not serve you; it is the flexibility of movement—both physical and spiritual—that will allow you to navigate this shifting terrain with grace. As you continue to evolve, the flow will carry you toward a deeper understanding of your path. What seems like chaos at first glance is actually a rhythm, a dance that invites you to participate with joy and creativity.

Today, you are reminded that you do not walk this path alone. Support is available to you, though it may come from unexpected places. Be open to the guidance that arrives, and trust that it is leading you toward your highest potential. This is not a time for hesitation. Take action, and do so with confidence, knowing that your intuition and instincts are aligned with something greater. The momentum is in your favor, and now is the time to move forward with courage and clarity.

There is also a deep call to connect—whether that be with yourself or with others. Relationships take on heightened importance now, and through moments of intimacy and closeness, you may find the clarity you seek. These connections will allow you to grow, offering both comfort and new perspectives. Trust that the bonds you form or deepen during this period are meaningful and significant, offering the kind of support and encouragement you need to move forward.

Amidst all this, remember the importance of creativity. Expression—whether through art, movement, or other forms—will be a vital tool for your growth. It will help you process and integrate the energy surrounding you. Embrace moments of joy, playfulness, and light-heartedness, for they too are part of your journey. Even in times of change, it is important to nurture your soul with creativity and joy.

You are in a season of expansion [Jupiter Retrograde: October 9th] and transformation [Pluto Direct: October 11th], yet it is balanced by a need for reflection. While there is a push to take action and move forward, there is also a reminder to be mindful of the deeper forces at work. Growth [and healing] does not happen in a straight line; it flows and moves in ways that can sometimes seem mysterious. Trust in the process [once again], knowing that everything is unfolding exactly as it should. 

As you continue through this period of transformation, be aware that it is not just external circumstances that are shifting—your inner world is undergoing a profound evolution. This is a time for you to step fully into your power, to recognize your importance, and to take charge of your destiny. Each step you take now is moving you closer to your True Self, and the growth you experience will set the foundation for the next phase of your journey.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Lunar Guidance: 10/6/2024

The waves of your own path ebb and flow, with moments of solitude offering both challenges and clarity. You may find that the need to stand alone arises, yet it is not a burden but a call to deepen your sense of self—your independence, shaped by lessons learned along the way. There is no shame in what you call mistakes, for each has been a message pointing the way, a sign gifted by invisible forces to guide you to the heart of what truly matters. You are being asked to embrace your journey without fear, to face vulnerability not as weakness but as an authentic reflection of your True Self.

In the quietude, when the noise fades, your emotions—like the ebb and flow of tides—become clearer, guiding your steps toward deeper connections with yourself and others. As you allow these feelings to rise, you find that asking for help is not a mark of weakness but of wisdom. It is through community, through those who resonate with your deeper needs, that you will find the balance between solitude and support.

The call to rest, to reflect, and to let go of what no longer serves is strong now. There is a shedding, a closing of a cycle. What you once sought no longer holds the same weight. Instead, desire transforms into something deeper, more aligned with who you are becoming. The epiphany will come not in loud declarations but in quiet realizations, where the stillness of winter gives way to a rebirth, a new cycle awaiting beneath the surface. The desire you hold is a powerful force, but it will be transformed—refined through the depths of reflection, much like a creature shedding its old skin to reveal the new beneath.

Trust the signs that present themselves, for they come to you not just through outer circumstances but through the inner stirrings of your heart. This is a time of transformation—one in which the power of introspection will reveal what is most wanted, what is most necessary for the next step.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Shorts: The Chariot

The Chariot (VII)

Element: Water
Planet: Moon (Jupiter exalted in Cancer)
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Hebrew Letter: Cheth (ח)
Kabbalistic Path: Path 18 (Binah to Geburah)
Numerology: 7 (Victory, mastery, willpower, control)
Archetype: The Warrior, The Conqueror

Symbols -

Sphinxes (Black and White): Symbolize duality, opposites, and the balance of forces—light and dark, conscious and unconscious, good and evil—that the Charioteer must harmonize to progress.
Armor: Protection, both physically and spiritually, representing defense and strength accumulated from past struggles.
Disk on Armor with Metatron's Cube: Signifies sacred geometry, cosmic order, and the connection to the One Self, a higher power guiding the Charioteer.
Starry Canopy: Represents celestial influence and the guidance of higher forces, as well as the role of destiny and cosmic will.
Chariot (Cube Shape): Represents physical manifestation, stability, and the structure of the material world, balanced with the divine.
River and Trees: Link to the flow of emotions and fertility, connecting the Chariot with natural growth and subconscious waters, a mix of The High Priestess and The Empress influences.
Crescent Moons on Shoulders: Symbolize the rulership of the Moon over Cancer, highlighting intuition, emotions, and cycles.
Wand (or Scepter): The Charioteer’s control and mastery over his journey, representing focused willpower.

Keywords -

Upright: Willpower, determination, control, victory, forward movement, mastery over conflicting forces, drive, spiritual progress.
Reversed: Lack of direction, loss of control, chaos, stagnation, scattered energy, being overwhelmed by opposing forces.

Video Transcription:

"The Chariot, Key VII, symbolizes triumph through willpower and determination. Depicted as a warrior guided by two sphinxes—balancing opposing forces—it represents victory through discipline and mastery over conflict. The charioteer’s armor bears alchemical symbols, including Metatron’s Cube, linking this card to the One Self and transformation from past experiences.

Astrologically tied to Cancer, ruled by the Moon, it reflects emotional depth and protection. The Hebrew letter Cheth (ח), meaning “fence,” evokes boundaries and the cultivation of the inner world. The chariot represents not just physical motion but a spiritual journey.

Ultimately, The Chariot teaches that true victory comes from aligning will with purpose, maintaining balance, and using past disappointments and losses as mission fuel, applying learned lessons to overcome future challenges."