Welcome Seeker

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Cosmic Message: 9/28/2024

At a future point in time, I may consider making this a regular thing for upcoming videos. Divining and then synthesizing the symbols to procure a synchronistic channeled message.

Mouse Wisdom

Today’s energy asks for resourcefulness and adaptability. There’s a call to navigate through situations that may seem overwhelming or complex, and to pay close attention to the details that others might overlook. It’s a day for making the most of what’s available to you, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.


There’s a strong focus on giving back—whether through acts of kindness, emotional support, or sharing your wisdom with others. What you offer today will ripple out and return in ways you may not immediately see, so don’t hold back from contributing positively to those around you. Don't be afraid to make waves.

This energy closely connects with tarot key The Hierophant tarot key which can represent the energy of giving back, offering kindness, and sharing wisdom. It speaks to the role of a guide or mentor in life, someone who connects others to higher truths and fosters deeper understanding. By supporting others emotionally and spiritually, we create bonds that ripple out into the world, even when we don't see the immediate impact. The act of giving from a place of wisdom and compassion helps to build a foundation for growth, both for ourselves and those we assist. 


Expect the unexpected. Today carries the energy of sudden change and breakthroughs. You might find yourself facing new ideas or being pushed to embrace a change that feels radical. This is a time for innovation and thinking outside the box, so lean into that energy and be open to surprises.

Technology and innovation play a significant role today. Whether you’re using it for work, creativity, or connecting with others, there’s a sense that these tools will help you expand and move forward. You may also find yourself reflecting on how these advancements impact your life on a deeper level.

There’s potential for glimpses into the future today. Whether through intuitive nudges, signs, or moments of clarity, you may feel that you’re being shown what’s to come. Pay attention to these insights, as they may offer guidance for long-term planning and decision-making.

Chain Reaction

Small actions today will lead to larger outcomes. It’s a reminder that everything is interconnected, and even seemingly minor choices can create ripple effects that extend far beyond today. Be mindful of the steps you take, as they could set off a chain of events that shape the future.

Shake It Off

There’s also a strong pull toward movement and exploration. This could be a physical journey, a new learning experience, or an interaction that broadens your perspective. The energy is dynamic and encourages you to step outside of your usual routine or comfort zone.

Today, it’s important to focus on both physical and energetic movement. If you’ve been feeling stagnant, this is the time to shake things up. Engage in physical activity or start something new to get the energy flowing again. The day is asking you to take action and embrace forward momentum.

Once More, With Feeling

E~motions will be heightened, and there’s a need to check in with yourself and others. This is a time for emotional processing and understanding, whether you’re helping someone else or taking care of your own emotional needs. Be aware of emotional triggers and take the time to reflect on what they might be revealing.

There’s a spark of excitement in the air. Opportunities for joy, creativity, and passion are present, so lean into whatever lights you up today. Follow the things that excite you and let that energy guide your actions. It’s a day to embrace the things that make you feel alive.

You may feel confined by certain expectations or environments today, but there’s a call to break free from those limitations. It’s time to challenge the narratives that make you feel small or restricted. Create a space where you can be authentic and unafraid to express yourself fully.

Contracts and Bonds

Agreements and commitments are highlighted today. Be mindful of your word and the promises you make, as they hold significant weight right now. This is a day to honor the bonds you’ve built with others and to communicate clearly and with integrity.

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