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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Video: Part II Addendum of The Elder Series

Video Transcription:

"Chyle, known in esoteric traditions as Lac Virginis or Aurum Potabile, holds within it a sacred substance, though it is not the Divine Substance itself. This substance, embedded within chyle, eventually charges the blood with solar forces, a transformative process that infuses the body with a vital energy referred to as Chaiah. Chaiah, a Hebrew term, is understood as the "Life Force" or the living energy that animates and sustains life. This energy is not merely physical vitality but a deeper, spiritual essence that originates from the sphere of Chokmah.

Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns.
The Hebrew word featured in this image is, indeed, 'Chaiah.'

Chokmah represents the second emanation in the Tree of Life, embodying pure, dynamic wisdom and the raw creative force of the universe. From Chokmah, the essence of Chaiah flows, bringing with it the impulse of life that fuels creation and sustains the cosmos. This energy, when absorbed into the blood through the process initiated by chyle, becomes the driving force behind an individual's spiritual and physical vitality, aligning them with their True Will—the expression of their highest self in harmony with the universal order.

An Elder, while deeply connected to this flow of Chaiah, does not operate with the goal of achieving the "good of all" as commonly understood. Instead, the Elder’s focus is on maintaining personal equilibrium or equipoise. This balance is key to the Elder’s existence, as it reflects the understanding that true influence on the world begins with the self. The phrase "changing the self changes the world" is more than a cliché for an Elder; it is a fundamental truth that guides their actions and choices.

By focusing on their own internal state, often through practices like meditation that induce hypnagogia, Elders align themselves with their Higher Self. This alignment is not about exerting influence over others but about living in accordance with their True Will. Elders rarely impose their personal will on others, recognizing that such actions disrupt their internal balance. On rare occasions, they might feel compelled to act, but such instances are driven by a strong, intuitive sense rather than personal desire.

When it is said that Elders "truly do nothing of themselves," it means they understand that personal will is an illusion. Unlike most people, Elders are fully aware of this fact, yet they continue to navigate life as if acting from a personal will. This awareness does not diminish the value of the ego or the incarnated personality; rather, it illuminates their roles as necessary vehicles for the expression of the One Self in the material world. The illusion of separation—the sense of individuality—is recognized by Elders as essential for life in this world, allowing the One Self to operate through countless unique perspectives.

Elders, therefore, appreciate the necessity of this illusion while never losing sight of the greater reality. They live in a state of conscious duality, where the personal will is understood as a tool rather than an absolute. By embracing this understanding, Elders ensure that their actions are aligned with the higher directives of the One Self, maintaining the delicate balance between the illusion of individuality and the truth of unity. This approach allows them to act with intention, knowing that their true purpose is not self-directed but guided by a deeper, universal will."

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