Welcome Seeker

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Video Compilation: Persephone's Ascension


Contains potential spoilers for The OA Parts 1 and 2, and Stranger Things S1


Note: Some of the audio in this video is out of sync, but this doesn't detract from the message. This may be corrected and updated at a future date.

Cervus Fugitivus 🦌✨

Also, please take note of the "white stag (buck)" symbolism that is featured intentionally in this compilation. The white stag, like Mercurius in alchemical tradition, symbolizes the elusive quest for higher knowledge and spiritual transformation. It embodies the process of individuation and the reconciliation of opposites, guiding the seeker through a journey of profound inner change and enlightenment. As a mediator between the physical and spiritual realms, the white stag leads the soul towards purity, divine wisdom, and the realization of the True Self.


Recall that The Boy Who Lived (Harry Potter/Will Byers) had a patronus that was a white stag. Harry Potter was also named "Seeker" for his Quidditch team, which further lends to this archetypal symbolism, representing the quest for the elusive and the pursuit of higher truths and ultimate goals, akin to the search for the First Matter or the spiritual journey symbolized by the white stag and Mercurius.

The white stag can indeed be seen as a symbol of the First Matter in alchemical terms. The First Matter, or prima materia, represents the raw, primal substance from which all things originate and into which all things return. It is the undifferentiated, chaotic state that holds the potential for transformation and creation.

The white stag, in this context, embodies the quest for this primordial essence. It symbolizes the journey to uncover the pure, unformed potential that lies within the seeker. Just as the First Matter is the foundation for alchemical transformation, the white stag leads the seeker to the core of their being, where true transformation and enlightenment can begin. It represents the pursuit of the fundamental, spiritual substance that, once found and refined, leads to the alchemical gold–the highest state of spiritual and personal realization.

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