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Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Sphere of Practical Magick

 The Astral Light is synonymous with the Akasha. Yesod, which means Foundation, represents the Akashic sphere. This sphere signifies the etheric substance that forms the basis of matter. The term "substance" is insightful, as it implies something that stands beneath and supports. It literally means under (sub) and stand (stance). This etheric substance sustains all of creation. It represents the omnipresent primordial essence, and it forms the matrix upon which matter is built. This foundation acts as the blueprint for all phenomenal existence, and it is the sphere we engage with whenever we perform magickal rites or aim to manifest tangible outcomes.

"The zodiacal house of Scorpio is ruled by Samael and by Pluto (Hades), the lord of practical magic. Scorpio is the sign that rules the sexual organs; it discloses Daath, the marvelous Tree of Knowledge, since Daath is directly related with the ninth sphere of the Tree of Life, Yesod (foundation).

So, you can see on the hieroglyphic of the Tree of Life that the ninth sphere is at the very bottom, above Malkuth, the physical world. Yesod is called 'the doorway,' whether to the inferior dimensions (inferno) or to the superior dimensions (heaven). - Glorian.org

The Akasha permeates all space and time and serves as a repository for all events and all experiences. The dodecahedron, with its geometric perfection and balance, symbolizes the interconnectedness and foundational nature of the Akasha. If we were to overlay the medical astrology placements over the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, we would see that Scorpio is closely related to the sphere of Yesod.

When exploring the Astral Plane and the sphere of Yesod, which encompasses the subconscious and the Treasurehouse of Images, it's crucial to understand that appearances can be deceiving. The "False Light" of the Lunar Sphere, in particular, can lead to illusions.

Yesod, the ninth sephirah on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, symbolizes the "Foundation" or the "bedrock"—the underlying layer of the psyche. It is also associated with the astral plane, sometimes referred to as the fourth dimension (4D).

The "false light" or "false visions" of Yesod are indicative of the potential for illusion and deception within this realm. Such deceptions may manifest as illusory experiences, misinterpretations of symbols, ego inflation, negative projections, and self-delusion.

The astral plane is replete with energies, parasites, and entities that may present misleading illusions, exploiting an individual's beliefs, fears, and desires.

Yesod represents the subconscious and the collective unconscious, where symbols and visions can be easily misconstrued. What appears may reflect one's desires or fears rather than reality.

These encounters can lead to an inflated spiritual ego, where individuals may believe they have achieved a higher level of spiritual attainment than is the case, potentially resulting in skipped steps, delusions of grandeur, dissociation, fragmentation, or premature advancement.

The risk of psychic overwhelm is significant in this sphere, potentially causing confusion, anxiety, and psychological disturbances. Excessive time spent in the astral plane without proper grounding can lead to dissociation and, in extreme cases, psychosis.

Chokmah and the Higher Sophia (Wisdom)

Chokmah (Wisdom), the second sephirah, is often referred to as the Higher Sophia. Chokmah represents boundless force and is the channel through which the initial divine impulse of Kether (Crown) begins to take form. It is associated with the archetypal male principle, the dynamic, active force of creation. The term "Sophia" means wisdom in Greek, and in Gnostic traditions, the Higher Sophia is a divine figure symbolizing wisdom in its pure, celestial form. 

Yesod and the Lower Sophia

Yesod, as well as the High Priestess in the tarot, is often linked to the Lower Sophia. We can see this connection plainly when we recognize that Yesod is the sphere of the moon, and the High Priestess is also associated with the moon. Both represent the subjective mind.

The High Priestess, in her Lunar phases of Maiden, Mother, and Crone, is the feminine Gatekeeper (note, also, the subtle link between Crone/Chronos, Binah, and the Sphinx). Yesod's vision is that of the Machinery of the Universe. The perpetual mechanism of Chronos stands as the masculine counterpart to the Crone. The paternal clockwork pat-turns-all. This is, perhaps, related to the imagery of the "beautiful naked man, very strong" that is often associated with Yesod. 

While Chokmah represents wisdom in its highest, most abstract form, Yesod embodies wisdom as it becomes manifest in the material world (often, through intuition). Yesod acts as a conduit, channeling and grounding the higher energies and archetypal patterns of Atziluth into the physical realm. In this context, the Lower Sophia represents the practical application and realization of wisdom in the everyday world. It is the point where abstract knowledge becomes tangible and actionable.

The Dodecahedron and the Mazzaroth

The dodecahedron, one of the five Platonic solids, is linked to the ether or the fifth element, symbolizing the cosmos and the hidden, underlying structure of the universe. It has twelve faces, which can be associated with the twelve signs of the zodiac, also known as the Mazzaroth in Hebrew tradition.

Chokmah is often associated with the sphere of the fixed stars and the zodiac. The dodecahedron’s twelve faces represent the celestial framework, and the cycles of time and existence governed by divine wisdom.

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