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Friday, August 30, 2024

Bursting Bubbles

Bursting Bubbles in an Underwater Womb:

The bursting bubbles represent the hidden essence, the vital life force or Yod energy, buried deep within the unconscious. These bubbles are not just random occurrences; they are time capsules (Cap Souls) of Chaiah or prana, the life-giving energy waiting to be released into the bloodstream of consciousness. The underwater womb symbolizes the uncreated potential, the divine light hidden within the depths of the subconscious mind. When these bubbles burst, they release this latent energy, sparking the beginning of creation or realization. This is the moment where the unmanifested potential begins to transition into form, making the invisible visible.

A Dark ๐Ÿ“ท Room to Blueprint in-Form to Imprint out-Form:

In this dark room, the Yod energy or essence begins to take shape, forming the blueprints of reality. These blueprints are like seeds that contain within them the entire potential of what is to come. The process of imprinting is like unpacking these time capsules—the energy moves from the ethereal, subtle realms of thought or essence (in-form) into the physical or manifested world (out-form). This transition doesn't just bring forth physical objects or events; it also manifests as synchronicities, sudden insights, or grand revelations—the eureka moments where the previously hidden wisdom bursts into the light of understanding like a bolt of lightning.

The Seed in Mud, Ready to Rise Above:

The seed symbolizes latent potential or the blueprint of creation, planted within the mud—the subconscious mind, or the adversity and trauma of physical existence. The mud represents both the challenges we must work through and the fertile ground from which new growth emerges. This is also symbolic of the soul's journey from ignorance or darkness to enlightenment, and the rising of kundalini energy, which ascends from the base (root) to the crown (roof), awakening super-consciousness. The seed's journey is one of transformation, where it emerges from the depths of the unconscious, creating a crack that allows the light of awareness to seep through, ready to blossom into its fullest form.

Coc๐Ÿณ๐Ÿณn of Gl☀️☀️m:

The cocoon represents a phase of deep transformation, where change occurs beneath the surface, often in solitude or darkness. The gloom signifies not just trials but the radiant darkness, the fertile void (plenum) where potential waits to be realized. The wordplay with "gloom" and "loom" is intentional, indicating that even in apparent darkness, there is a hidden weaving—a creation in process. This is the liminal space, the pregnant pause where transformation is imminent but not yet visible. The glimmer of hope within the darkness suggests that what is unseen is on the verge of becoming seen, as the latent potential moves towards actualization.

Bl๐Ÿ‘€m from the L๐Ÿ‘€m:

Here, the flowering signifies the realization or fruition of what was once hidden or latent. The loom represents the process of weaving the blueprint—the seed—into the fabric of reality. When the bubble bursts, or the seed cracks, this potential is woven into the tapestry of life. This weaving process takes the essence, the imprint, and actualizes it into a visible, tangible form. Just as a name or a mask (persona) is the surface expression of a deeper essence (underlying meaning), the outward form is a manifestation of the concealed inner truth. The blooming is the moment of revelation (re-veil) when the unseen becomes seen, latent talent manifests. This initial impulse, raw and unrefined like a fledgling chick, is nonetheless primed to be honed into a skill.

The Creeper๐Ÿฆ‡ is a Golden Peep๐Ÿฃer:

The creeper represents the invisible forces working beneath the surface, often associated with the unconscious or unknown. It may seem ominous or negative because it is hidden, but it is not negative in the sense of being bad—rather, it is simply unmanifested potential (an absence). As this potential emerges, it becomes something positive, luminous, and known (a presence). The golden peeper is the chick that hatches from its shell, representing The Fool in tarot—a symbol of new beginnings and the emergence of latent possibilities. The occult or hidden aspects of reality are manifesting, one begins to harvest (reap) the fruits of one's labor (of love).


Ascending from a Treasure Chest, the Little Bird has left its Nest:

The treasure chest is a metaphor for the dark, mysterious web of potential—a container of hidden riches, much like Pandora’s Box. The big question mark on it represents the unknown, the mystery of uncreated life, much like the gestation of an unborn child. As the little bird emerges, it represents the culmination of growth and the actualization of potential. This is the moment where what was once hidden within the chest—a talent, insight, or truth—ascends into the light, becoming visible and known. The bird’s departure from the nest symbolizes the beginning of a new journey (Nomadic Pneumatic), much like The Fool’s journey in tarot. It’s the point at which the unseen becomes seen, the latent becomes actualized, and the occult manifests.

This passage speaks to the process of transformation, where hidden, latent potential within the subconscious mind—represented by the Yod energy or essence—undergoes a journey from darkness to light, from unmanifested to manifested. The imagery emphasizes the interplay between what is seen and unseen, the surface and the depths, and how through the trials and adversities of life, the latent potential within each of us can emerge into full bloom, bringing forth new realities, insights, and creations.

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