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Friday, July 14, 2023

Rune Shorts: Gebo

X Gebo means "Gift." Gebo is the 7th rune of the Elder Futhark alphabet, and is associated with the letter 'g' and the Latin letter 'x.' This rune has no inverted meaning.

For Give and For Get

This is the rune of harmony, generosity, and reciprocity. It represents giving and receiving in equal measure to maintain Cosmic Harmony. Equipoise and symmetry. It denotes the sacred union, the conjunction of opposites. Complementary forces. The building of relationships, and maintenance of partnerships. Fair exchanges. The trading of services, the utilization of skills, and/or resources.

Repayment can be as simple as showing genuine gratitude or appreciation for some favor one has received.

The gifts that are given can be of a material or immaterial nature. Gift giving strengthens bonds. The distribution of wealth is likewise an exchange of power. To gain followers or fame, one must serve and/or provide a service.

Gebo symbolizes a contract. An agreement between parties. When both parties uphold each end of their bargain, there is likely to be no resentment fostered.

Gain through Loss

If we wish to gain something, we must exchange it for something else. Each choice we make requires that we relinquish something in order to make space for something else. 

"All the power that ever was or ever will be is here NOW." - The Pattern on the Trestleboard

Sacrifice also maintains the link between the lower self and the Higher Self. The Higher must contract limitlessness from the heavens to imbue the lower self with divine inspiration. The infinite potential becomes a finite actuality. In turn, the lower self must release those habits and complexes which hinder or block the reception of these inward graces. A heart must be opened, a mind must be cleared, and a vessel must be purified. Sacrifice is a trial by fire, a trial of heart and hearth. Calcination and incineration burn away the dross. The ashen earth is fertile ground.

On the physical plane, it can also be interpreted as the sex act. The giving and receiving of pleasure, of energy. The man imbuing the woman with his seed, and the woman temporarily sacrificing her bodily autonomy to gift the world with new life. Labors of love.

Alternatively, giving and receiving in conversation, information, and all forms of communication also fall under this umbrella.

Law of Compensation

Wherever there is deficiency, there is also the opportunity for a surplus. All injured or insulted parties will, eventually, come into compensation for damages incurred. Whenever we lose, we win. There is no gain without some pain, as the saying often goes. Horror vacui: Nature abhors a vacuum. Wherever there is the appearance of a void, there will soon be new developments. Effort is recompensed. Nothing is ever truly lost; it just changes and exchanges shape and state.

Togetherness must be weighed against separation. Codependency can throw off our equilibrium. When Gebo appears, it might be a sign that we should give aid or be generous to another. However, sometimes we must step back and allow room for others to grow on their own. In doing so, we gift them the freedom and independence of giving to themselves. Of realizing their own competency and capability.

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