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Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Dog Days of Summer '23

The Sun in Leo wants you to know that you're The Star of the Show! (You're so vain, you probably think this post is about you, don't you? Don't you? πŸ˜‰)

We've got some interesting things coming up this week, astrologically:

- On Moon🌚Day, the Cancer New Moon opposes Pluto in Capricorn. The Tropic of Cancer ♋️ (Gate of Life, the Mother) is at ROUGHLY 23.5° North of the equator. The Tropic of Capricorn ♑️ (Gate of Death, the Father) is roughly 23.5° South of the equator. The moon is in domicile (at home) in the sign of Cancer. The New Moon is Persephone. With the moon seemingly vanished from our night sky, we could interpret this as ♇ersephone's abduction into the Underworld (archetypally represented by Pluto ♇ and/or Capricorn). Capricorn is the Kid 🐐, the Son who dies/the Sun 🌞 reborn.

Pluto went Retrograde in Aquarius ♒️ on May 1st, 2023 - backtracking into Capricorn ♑️ on June 11th, where it'll remain until January 2024

- But everything is backwards (Pluto is in Retrograde). This is The Hanged Man πŸ”± (associated with the 13th Hebrew letter Mem, and the gematria of Mem is 40). The Hanged Man is Sirius, fallen into the Underworld. While the Sun is in Cancer from June 21st (ushering in the Summer Solstice, whereas the Winter Solstice [on December 21st] is when the Sun enters into Capricorn, from December 21st-January 20th) to July 22nd, we enter into the Dog Days of Summer on July 3rd until August 11th. In other words, for 40 Days.

- On the same day as the New Moon, the nodal axis shifts from the north node in Taurus ♉️ and south node in Scorpio ♏️ to the north node in Aries ♈️ and the south node in Libra ♎️

- On July 22nd, the Sun leaves Cancer and enters Leo ♌️ Venus ♀️ also goes Retrograde in Leo for 40 Days and 40 Nights.

- During the annual Dog Days of Summer, Sirius conjoins the sun at approximately 13.5° around the 3rd or 4th of July each year. For 40 days, Sirius is seen rising and setting with the sun. July 23rd, a Sun Day, marks the midway point of the Dog Days of Summer - with its finale being on August 11th.

- 23.5 + 23.5 = 47. 47 is the atomic number of the element of silver (Argentum). Silver is the alchemical metal associated with the Moon (which rules the sign of Cancer). Again, the Moon is in its domicile in Cancer and at its detriment in Capricorn. We associate the Moon with the tides, as well as the underworld itself (water being a symbol of the subconscious mind - and is also the element associated with the Hebrew letter Mem).

- In the movie, 47 Meters Down, two women are trapped in a shark cage, surrounded by sharks, at the bottom of the ocean. July 23rd kicks off Shark Week on the Discovery Channel, and is hosted by JaSON MOMoa, aka Aquaman ♆

- 23 days after Venus stations retrograde, and a few days after the Dog Days of summer end, Venus enters into the heart of the sun. On August 13th, we have Venus Cazimi the Sun.

- The Hanged Man is the 23rd Path on the Qabalistic Tree of Life, while Mem, the letter associated with the Hanged Man, is the 13th letter. Mem is one of the Hebrew Mother letters, and it represents water. The Hanged Man is flipped upside down. The inverted triangle/Delta (Greek letter Delta is synonymous with the Hebrew letter Daleth, which corresponds to The Empress/Venus) symbol associated with this card represents the descent into the watery subconscious. The Well of MIMir. (Mim = Mem, M.)

Image Source: Paul Foster Case

- The High Priestess is the 13th Path on the Qabalistic Tree of Life, associated with the Hebrew letter Gimel, which is represented by the camel. The camel can chariot (Charon) across the desert Abyss (or the Dog Days of Summer) with very little food or water. Able to consume extremely large quantities of water in short periods of time, a camel can go without water, even in the harshest of conditions, for just over two weeks. The High Priestess is associated with the Moon, which rules the sign of Cancer.

Image Source: Paul Foster Case

- The Chariot is the Tarot key associated with the sign of Cancer. And The Devil (Hades/Pluto in the Underworld) is the key associated with Capricorn.

Image Sources: Paul Foster Case

- In the Strength tarot key, ruled by Leo (the Sun is at its domicile in Leo), we see Venus taming the Lion.

Image Source: Paul Foster Case

Friday, July 14, 2023

Rune Shorts: Gebo

X Gebo means "Gift." Gebo is the 7th rune of the Elder Futhark alphabet, and is associated with the letter 'g' and the Latin letter 'x.' This rune has no inverted meaning.

For Give and For Get

This is the rune of harmony, generosity, and reciprocity. It represents giving and receiving in equal measure to maintain Cosmic Harmony. Equipoise and symmetry. It denotes the sacred union, the conjunction of opposites. Complementary forces. The building of relationships, and maintenance of partnerships. Fair exchanges. The trading of services, the utilization of skills, and/or resources.

Repayment can be as simple as showing genuine gratitude or appreciation for some favor one has received.

The gifts that are given can be of a material or immaterial nature. Gift giving strengthens bonds. The distribution of wealth is likewise an exchange of power. To gain followers or fame, one must serve and/or provide a service.

Gebo symbolizes a contract. An agreement between parties. When both parties uphold each end of their bargain, there is likely to be no resentment fostered.

Gain through Loss

If we wish to gain something, we must exchange it for something else. Each choice we make requires that we relinquish something in order to make space for something else. 

"All the power that ever was or ever will be is here NOW." - The Pattern on the Trestleboard

Sacrifice also maintains the link between the lower self and the Higher Self. The Higher must contract limitlessness from the heavens to imbue the lower self with divine inspiration. The infinite potential becomes a finite actuality. In turn, the lower self must release those habits and complexes which hinder or block the reception of these inward graces. A heart must be opened, a mind must be cleared, and a vessel must be purified. Sacrifice is a trial by fire, a trial of heart and hearth. Calcination and incineration burn away the dross. The ashen earth is fertile ground.

On the physical plane, it can also be interpreted as the sex act. The giving and receiving of pleasure, of energy. The man imbuing the woman with his seed, and the woman temporarily sacrificing her bodily autonomy to gift the world with new life. Labors of love.

Alternatively, giving and receiving in conversation, information, and all forms of communication also fall under this umbrella.

Law of Compensation

Wherever there is deficiency, there is also the opportunity for a surplus. All injured or insulted parties will, eventually, come into compensation for damages incurred. Whenever we lose, we win. There is no gain without some pain, as the saying often goes. Horror vacui: Nature abhors a vacuum. Wherever there is the appearance of a void, there will soon be new developments. Effort is recompensed. Nothing is ever truly lost; it just changes and exchanges shape and state.

Togetherness must be weighed against separation. Codependency can throw off our equilibrium. When Gebo appears, it might be a sign that we should give aid or be generous to another. However, sometimes we must step back and allow room for others to grow on their own. In doing so, we gift them the freedom and independence of giving to themselves. Of realizing their own competency and capability.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Rune Shorts: Algiz

ᛉ Algiz, also known as "Elhaz," means "Elk." It's the 15th rune of the Elder Futhark, and represents the letter 'z.' It is a rune of protection.

Shields Up!

Whenever this rune appears, one is being asked to be silent and listen for the inner instruction of the Higher Self. This Holy Guardian Force, when properly followed, will strengthen one's aura, ward off negative or harmful energies, and steer one away from potential danger or misfortune.

"No courage without fear."

It is only in the face of danger, of risk, and of fear that courage can reveal itself. There must be the potential for loss, failure, or humiliation for this necessary virtue to emerge.

The same can be said for faith. For faith to be true, it must be tested. Real faith withstands the trials of ill-fortune and uncertainty. But by embracing this uncertainty, we develop inner strength and resiliency. We cultivate bravery. We reaffirm our faith. Faith in ourselves and faith in a higher power. In doing so, one also empowers one's hamingja - boosting one's 'luck.'

The hamingja is an attractive force, a feminine guardian spirit, that sets us down a serendipitous path. It is an aspect of our inherited ancestral assistance but is entirely distinct from the concept of a guardian angel. It is, however, related to the idea behind the Valkyrie - which this rune is associated with.

Establishing strong boundaries and safeguarding ourselves against threats are key right now. And since Algiz is a rune of taking preventative action through course-correction, there's also an emphasis on consequence and compensation. Attuning ourselves to the intuitive hits and warning signs we are given will keep us aligned and on the right track. This, in turn, will heighten our ability to manifest good fortune into our lives.