Welcome Seeker

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Telepathy is a form of communion between minds, hearts, and souls. There are several distinctive forms of telepathy involving multiple centers in the mindbody unit. In the lowest center resides a more primitive form of telepathy, or more accurately put; telempathy. Close familial bonds exist here. Considering the location of the umbilical cord, it should be obvious where that primary location dwells. The intuitive bond between mother and child occupies the region of the solar plexus.

The solar plexus, being the magnetic center of our personal will power, is where our lower animal nature transits to unite with the higher spiritual centers. "Gut instinct" is an accurate cliché. That center of animal instinct, however, exists in the human organism so that it may evolve into a more refined intuitive brain. “Animal instinct” evolves into “Divine intuition”. Telempathy is innate within every human being. Those living below the diaphragm are unable to contact the higher centers. By satiating animal desires and feeding lower thoughtforms, the kundalini will not ascend. The life-preserving influx of solar forces are eliminated by being turned outward or downward. This creates blockages in the higher centers which leads to degeneration.

The solar plexus is an emotional center. Our lower emotions belong to this region while the higher emotions are in the heart. I employ the term telempathy since it involves emotions or feelings. This is a combination of telepathy and empathy. I am not the first to use this term and cannot take credit for it. I first heard it used by an author named Joan Ocean. She is famously known for her multidimensional communication with cetaceans and extraterrestrials.

The herd mentality is located within the solar plexus. In animals, this is the center where individuality (personality) first develops. This development leads that animal to its eventual graduation into the Human Kingdom. An animal evolves into a human, and a human evolves into what might be called an Angel. The human is still possessing of its animal body and inferior desires. The root chakra, sacral chakra, and solar plexus are belonging to this lower nature. Tamed, they grant passage to the higher centers. An individual still under the illusion of separation (survival-driven and entirely self-serving) has not opened the higher centers. While they may be more self-conscious than an animal, they’re still unconsciously ruled by the herd and their animal desires.

Collective trends register in the solar plexus. The majority are impressed upon here, motivated by popular (or cultural) opinion. The masses are unaware of how easily swayed they are by these trends and only have a surface-level understanding of them. A trend is an archetype that has been recycled under a new guise. The personality finds itself attracted or repulsed by trends, but fails to recognize that’s it’s all more of the same. An illumined individual not only picks up on these trends, but also recognizes them as a pattern that mechanically recycles. This grants the adept with the ability to foresee trends and influence them.

Heart to heart telempathy is a higher form of psychic communication. Here is the communion of souls. Because feelings are still involved, this is also accurately called telempathy. Conscious communion blossoms here, because that individual has aroused the life force to open the heart. Both centers, then, can be engaged for elevated telempathic exchanges. Those with opened hearts can consciously commune with the centers of the initiated and uninitiated alike. Pure love, which resonates in the heart, is quantum entanglement.

Several forms of telepathy/telempathy can be engaged at once or separately depending on which centers are active. Interior telepathy occurs within the individual and their own mind, body, and soul. Exterior telepathy occurs between multiple individuals or groups. Again, both can be employed at once by one that has sufficiently brought their chakras and vehicles into harmony. The highest form of telepathic communion engages the whole unit—but concentrates within the higher centers. This means that the chakras from the heart on upward are awakened.

There can be some confusion, however, when communicating telepathically. One individual may be only able to communicate through the solar plexus, whereas another is transmitting from their heart. The recipient utilizing the lower center may not be able to decipher the message properly. Fortunately, if that confused recipient opens their higher centers later on, that message can be better assimilated. The message has no expiration date. What may be confusing at a lower frequency may come in with crystal clarity when we’ve reached a higher rate of vibration.

When one is able to detach themselves from the turbulence of emotion, transpersonal Cosmic Truths are unveiled. Emotional filters often color and cloud the perception. Detachment enables high-level thoughtforms to be grasped. The Universal Mind is contacted at this level. The throat, the head, and the heart centers must be open for this to occur.

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