Welcome Seeker

Sunday, May 17, 2020



Pisces asks: "Where do we go from here?"

Symbol(s): Fish, Back of the Head
Element and Modality: Water, Mutable
Planetary Rulers: Jupiter, Neptune
House: XII, The Unconscious
Bodily Function(s): Feet, Cerebellum, Medulla Oblongata

Tarot Card: The Moon
Hebrew Letter: Qoph

Governing the feet, Pisces is the pathfinder and trailblazer. The feet, planted on the ground, might be used as a symbol to represent the substrata of the mind. It is the seeds rooted in the subconscious that give rise to the conscious bodies -- mental, emotional, and corporeal. Pisces represents the foundation of the man, and the foundation is the blueprint upon which you build your home. The feet hold up and carry the weight of the rest of the body. They also take the body in whatever direction it needs to go. The same can be said for the well of the unconscious. All of the necessary vital functions of the physical body lay under our threshold of awareness. We do not have to consciously direct our lungs to keep breathing or tell our heart to keep beating. This is all guided unconsciously. And this is the dominion of Pisces.

All of our hidden hopes, desires, and fears pool in the subconscious. Within our subconscious is a library of perfect memory, a recollection of all of the experiences we've had. Certain events that have transpired may have temporarily "slipped our minds", but that doesn't mean that they've been lost forever. Nothing can ever truly be forgotten. Whatever isn't consciously integrated or processed lay dormant or asleep there, certain to arise in one form or another. Depending on the nature of the unconscious content, this could be positive or negative. If negative, we have nightmares, health complications (healing crises), neuroses, or behavioral problems. If positive, we become creatively inspired, better integrated, and all of our bodies are strengthened. A shoddy foundation seeks crutches for its crippling deterioration. A strong foundation is confident, resolute, and can persevere life's storms.

The imagination rests upon this foundation of enduring memory. The organization of all of our body cells is reliant upon the subconscious. There is a direct link between our mental imagery, or fantasies, and the building up of the body. When we enter into sleep, or into the unconscious, we are allowing the repair and restoration of our body and psyche. One could compare this process to the defragmentation of a computer. The goal is to integrate or deduce as much of the information accumulated as possible for optimal efficiency. What happens while we sleep? We dream. What is another name for a fantasy? A daydream.

This pool of the unconscious is also universally shared. While we may have our own individual wading pool of experiences, we all share in a deeper primordial ocean of memory. This could be likened to the Akashic Records.

Complementary/Opposing Sign: Virgo

When contemplating a Zodiac sign, it is always important to compare it to its complementary sign -- and all that that entails. As the body and the mind are one interlocking unit, these correspondences can open up a window into how it all fits together.

To metabolize is to integrate. Virgo presides over the intestines, specifically the small intestines, and its processes of assimilation. This involves both the selection and rejection of the nutrients derived from the food we eat. Once this food has been broken-down, it is then absorbed into the bloodstream and delivered to all of the cells.

The operations of digestion generally happen without much conscious thought. So we can see how these Zodiac functions relate to one another within the mindbody. The subconscious influences our food choices and portion sizes, positively or negatively. It also selects what to absorb and what to excrete in order to nourish the body and the mind. With the co-operations of Pisces and Virgo, the consciousness can be properly distilled. Here, the gross is divorced from the body, from the consciousness, and only what is pure and useful remains.

Jupiter and Neptune

Jupiter rules the Solar Plexus, the area where the abdominal brain resides. Here we will find the turning of the wheel, where straw is refined into gold. With Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio situated at the area of the womb, all of their operations must be taken into consideration. The womb is the cauldron where we brew up our magical potions. Jupiter is associated with the Tarot card, "Wheel of Fortune". Cyclic activity: Ascending and descending. Our magical potions are distributed via the circulations of the blood.

Jupiter shares domicile with Neptune over the sign of Pisces. Jupiter also has domicile over Sagittarius. Sagittarius is associated with the Tarot card, "Temperance". In some versions, the imagery includes a cauldron with different ingredients being added.

If we are balanced, that straw is sure to turn into spiritual gold. If we are in a state of internal disharmony, that straw will remain exactly what it is and the serpent will not ascend to the crown. The solar forces are either liberated here and turned upward, or wasted. Liberation en-lightens our load and allows us to vibrate at a higher frequency. When in harmony, there is a conjunction of feminine Soul (via generative waters) and masculine Spirit (via brain, spine, and central nervous system), and the light of solar Christ is born (in the blood) to ascend to the crown. The pineal and pituitary glands are not protected by the blood-brain barrier. So, that spiritually-charged energy in the blood is able to nourish these glands. This goes both ways. They absorb and they also secrete. Jupiter deals with the ascent of the solar forces and Neptune with the descent.

Mythological and religious imagery often depicts Christ washing the feet of his disciples or having his feet washed by a "sinful" woman. Christ had twelve disciples. There are twelve signs in the Zodiac. The sinful woman is a representation of the sexual, generative waters (Scorpio). We know that Pisces and the feet relate to the subconscious/unconscious. If the feet are being cleansed, then the subconscious elements are being purified. Water is always related to sexuality, desire, emotions, imagination, and to the subconscious/unconscious.

Transmutation is the changing of one state of being into another. Pisces is a mutable sign. E-Motion, emOcean. Energy in Motion. In-Transit. Trans-mutable. "The Moon" is the ruler of the tides, and the currents (currency, current-sea) are always changing, ever-circulating. Lunar cycles and menstrual (fertility) cycles. Women bleed during menstruation. Blood, circulation, fertility, sexuality, and cyclic activity. Nothing is hidden. The truth isn't "out there", it's all inside: Intel Inside.

Epiphanies arise from the murky waters, much like the answers arise in the viewfinder of a Magic 8 Ball. Or a lotus ascends to the surface of the water. Or magical beans produce a beanstalk that takes us to a majestic kingdom in the sky. Or a golden egg (egg, fertility) that gives us good fortune. Or the pot (cauldron, womb) of gold at the end of the rainbow. This is our stairway to heaven, our yellow-brick road, and the path of bread crumbs that will return us home.

But first we must descend into those the darkened recesses of the subconscious/unconscious to retrieve those hidden treasures. This is the work of Neptune. Mythology depicts Neptune as the God of the sea. He controls the tides with his trident, which is a potent symbol in itself. Neptune is the controller of the waters of creation, the waters of genesis. Combine creation and genesis and you get: Generation.

With each (Western) Zodiac sign, you have a set of two symbols. One symbol is an image of an animal or a human figure. The other is a glyph that somewhat resembles its symbolic imagery. Pisces' symbol shows two fish encircling each other. Its glyph resembles a curvy "H". Utilizing our intuition, we can relate the encircling fish to the glyph of Cancer. The encircling fish and the glyph of Cancer both resemble a toroidal Yin-Yang (complementary forces: Dark, Light; Female, Male; Negative, Positive). Two soles, two souls. One masculine and one feminine. The Divine Spirit and the Human Soul. Masculine fire (consciousness), feminine water (subconsciousness). The inner child carried in the wind -- like the story we tell young children of the Stork delivering the baby into Mother's belly. They all unite in the earth (body, also feminine).

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and has a crab as its symbol. Pisces is attributed to "The Moon" tarot card, and there we can see a Lobster (sometimes shown as a crawfish or a crab) rising out of the water. These are the waters of Genesis, or creation. That is where our fish (semen, ovum) swim. The union of complementary forces (Male and Female) give rise to our physical body upon conception. Two red lines in a home pregnancy test indicate a positive conception. The Piscean glyph has these two lines, or curving half-circles, yoked together by a central bridge. When we overlay the lunar triple goddess symbol over the Piscean glyph, we see, yet again, that reference to fertility.

The Piscean task is to retrieve the golden treasure buried within the darkness of these waters, the darkness of matter, of the psyche. This is done through Neptune and the transformation of our sexual energy. We can use our sexual energy to create a child of the flesh, or we can unite the masculine Spirit with the embr-YONI-c feminine Soul to grow the immortal fetus. This is the true meaning behind the concept of "Twin Flames". It is a huge error to externalize this concept and project it onto another physical hologram. While those relationships are vital sharpeners, they should never be used as an excuse to shirk off Divine Duty. The flesh is a fantasy and merely a reflection of what's going on within. A true marriage is a coming together, a union, of the masculine and feminine forces within. This happens on many levels. When all of the forces of the mind and body come into harmony with Spirit and Soul, the work has begun.

A honeymoon is an electromagnetic yoking of the pineal gland with the pituitary gland. Their secretions produce a neurochemical substance akin to a golden nectar, or honey, that drips down the spinal cord. As it descends, it cools and crystallizes. This fertilizes and arouses the waters of creation that we have at the base of the spine. It is then lifted back up to the crown to recharge and regenerate the glands. This process recycles repeatedly and the nervous system is set ablaze, carving new neural PATHways. These new pathways allow the initiate to perceive the interior "higher" dimensions.

Imagery that comes to mind: Sap flowing from the trunk of a tree. The sap is the vital fluid of the tree, containing its nutrients and minerals. The secreted sap heals and protects the wounds of a tree. The exposed sap crystallizes into an amber-tinted resin. When temperatures are freezing, the sap is sucked upward from the roots of the tree in relation to the atmosphere. When it is warm and sunny, the sap descends back down towards the roots.

That feminine force is of the negative polarity, just as electrons are the negative charge of an atom. So we can infer that the kundalini is related to the electrons of an atom. The origin of the word "electron" is derived from the Greek word "elektron", which means "amber". This reminds us of the vital fluid of the trees.

Neptune is assigned the tarot card, "The Hanged Man". In that card, we see a man hanging upside-down from a "T". His head is illumined. Some versions have him under the sea scooping up pearls or opening up treasure chests. His upside-down position is similar to the position of a newborn baby at birth. It also reminds me of the uvula located in the back of the throat. We know that Neptune is related to the pineal and pituitary glands. They, too, appear to be hanging upside-down like an uvula. All of this imagery seems to be hinting at the downward flow of these secretions into genitive waters, down through the spine. The enlightenment of the subconscious mind -- and the conception of Cosmic thought-forms.

Exaltation: Venus
Detriment(s): Ceres (Asteroid/Dwarf Planet)
Other Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio
Other Mutable Signs: Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo

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