Welcome Seeker

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Clairvoyance literally means "clear viewing" or "clear seeing". Fire is the primary element associated with both physical sight and spiritual vision. One furnishes this fire in the furnace of the womb, and then raises it up to the crown for this enlightenment.

Clairvoyance promotes overall clarity of perception. Other abilities of like kind would include remote viewing, precognition, premonition, and claircognizance. Clairvoyance is just as you would suspect: Highly visual and imaginative. Wherever there is fire, or light, there is vision. We carry torches, flashlights, or lanterns to see in the dark. Fire gives off light and water reflects it. When gathered around a campfire, we find ourselves drawn into a trance-like stupor as we stare into the flames. Visual storytelling is common campfire entertainment. The archetypal prophetic Shaman can be found there.

Leo, ruled by the Sun, is a fire sign. In the astrological house of Leo, we find the themes of fun, pleasure, recreation, and entertainment. What is entertainment? It's typically a visual spectacular. One goes to a "show" (sight) to "see" a performance. Without the light (fire) of the Sun, all would be dark, and we wouldn’t be able to see well.

When the serpent of fire reaches the crown, a brilliant display of molten colors can be seen behind closed lids. A pattern that often coincides with this are the sudden appearance of pineapples. They can be seen popping up everywhere. Pineapples, spelled similarly to "pineal", have a sunny-colored interior. Because of their alkaline-forming nature, they promote the decalcification of the pineal gland. This decalcification is necessary to reactive spiritual sight. When we inquire into the etymology of the word "alkali", we find that it means to "roast" or "fry". 

Whenever I state that an object or symbol begins "popping up everywhere", I am referring to the world around us. Always reiterating: As within, so without. This can come in the form of t-shirt logos, advertisements, toys, food, et cetera. Wherever you see an object or image of any kind, you're seeing the projection of an internal symbol.

If I am laying in a dark room when this happens, the oil slick patterns I see begin to morph into moving images. If I take the time to write them down, they always significantly pop up "later". Clairvoyance can provide a window of foresight into events of immediate potential. I say potential because the future is never set in stone and is always shifting fluidly. The very act of this internal observation powerfully molds and remolds the world seen without.

Whatever we receive serves to shine a light on what was previously unknown to the conscious mind regarding a specific thoughtform or mental complex. This is meant to alter the perception to a higher degree. Clairvoyance can simply mean deeper insight: In-Sight.

Another form of clairvoyance that I regularly experience takes place when I am reading or looking at something. A word or set of patterns will stick out in my mind, as if they're being "highlighted". Highlight, high-light, enlighten, or illuminate. It happened just there as I was writing the word "highlighted". A "highlight" could be interpreted as a point of a higher light, which is another way of saying a degree of higher perception. One can gain many insights by writing whatever naturally flows into the mind and then reflecting on it. Reflecting (light) grants us "hindsight". There is always more to see. Infinite heights and infinite depths. You really can't do it wrong. But we still must open our minds. Self-doubt, cynicism, or firmly-held beliefs will shut down true gnosis. 

Although this has been a rare occurrence for me, I have been able to see into the past of an individual I was interacting with. This came on spontaneously, but I suspect I will eventually be able to will it with practice. While I was speaking with her, she began telling me about something painful from her past. As she spoke, I could see it all from her point of view. I continued to have these visions, or flashbacks, even after she had left. I recounted what I saw, felt, and experienced to a different individual—one that had been a part of the memories. This person confirmed that my visions were accurate and true. This retrocognition was made possible through empathy. 

Bursts of clairvoyance are not uncommon in the general populace, especially between close family members, friends, and lovers. You may have the image of a close one (or even someone you haven't seen or heard from in years) flash in your mind's eye. Unexpected, at first, until they resurface in your life shortly thereafter. Clairvoyance can be tethered to traumatic or dramatic events: Such as a premonition of a loved one falling ill, getting injured, or passing away. Sometimes it even heralds a revelation of a pregnancy or the gender of the baby. Psychic connections between twins and siblings are potently strong and quite common.

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