Welcome Seeker

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Clairsentience, which translates to "clear feeling", is similar to empathy. Whenever we are dealing with some sort of state that involves feeling or emotion, we know that the element of water is deeply involved. When emotionally moved by something, we tend to "turn on the waterworks", and tear up. But feeling can also be relative to the sensation of touch, which has the nurturing quality of earth. Water and earth are feminine elements, and we typically see a more outward display of emotion in the female gender.

Water and earth are feminine elements, so it should come as no surprise that the female cries more readily than her masculine counterpart. Her tears are salty, like the salt in the oceans—the salt (mineral) of the earth. It's essential to a woman's overall well-being that she be allowed to cry without criticism.

If we look at Mother Earth, we see that she has a lot of emotional reactions. They are both creative (life-giving) and destructive. We drill up her precious life-blood (oil) and use it as fuel to power pretty much everything. Since she is constantly in a state of growth, adaptation, and reformation. On Earth we have storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, avalanches, and explosive geysers. Just like any woman, she must find some way to "let off some steam". If too much has been held back, dams will burst and she will flood her lands. The same is true for a woman. A woman bleeds during menstruation, lactates to nourish her young, and lubricates for sexual intercourse. She comes fully loaded as the creative carrier of life.

When we have an emotional reaction to anything, what happens to the body? It heats up and energy is generated. The same is also true with desire. The buildup of this heat is potentially explosive, like the climax of an orgasm. Unexpressed emotion (energy or desire) leads to its opposite: Dis-ease. A healthy outlet for emotion is through crying. Crying allows us to release any pent-up frustrations, pain, or anger we may have with very few casualties. Yet we've been taught at a very early age to hide our emotions, and then wonder why cancer has become such an issue in society. This is unexpressed or unresolved energy, which leads to decay. In Astrology, Cancer (Gate of Life) is a water sign. If we have too many energetic blockages, cancer will destroy the physical vessel to free those trapped life forces. In death, these forces will then generate a "new (mod-ern) and improved" vehicle for expression. Mod-ification through trial and error.

An empath is a person that can feel what others are feeling—usually those physically or intimately close to them. But this isn't limited to a closed range of people. Empaths can feel the emotional state of entire cities, regions, and even the world. Everyone is an empath, but at varying and often unconscious degrees. A developed empath can inspire healing in others just by healing their own emotional wounds. This is true for anyone doing any form of inner shadow work.

Empaths can soak up emotions and memories from objects, animals, humans, buildings, and events (past, present, and/or future). Water is relative to emotion and to memory. An object, being matter (or earth), can retain particularly strong energetic impressions of the past. The same is true for a building. All potentials exist and converge into the Now. So, it's entirely possible that an empath can pick up on channels from parallel or future timelines.

Empaths are excellent at detecting and reading auras. Empathy can feel like both a blessing and a curse. It's difficult to like to an empath without them detecting uneasiness. While they may not always be able to "put a finger on it", their keen senses have them on alert.  Sometimes an empath may mistake the emotions and feelings of others for their own. They soak up every tiny nuance like a sponge. The emotional boundaries of a normal person are much stronger than that of a sensitive empath. Everything bleeds into an empath. This can be both devastating and empowering. It's important that an empath becomes aware and educated about their gifts.

Empaths gravitate towards Reiki practices, massage careers, healthcare fields, nursing, hospice, and make excellent counselors. Empaths typically have their heart chakra wide open, but also can experience many blockages there too. "Wearing your heart on your sleeve" applies to an empath.

Someone with clairsentient abilities active might pick up on subtle pressure shifts in the atmosphere or slight temperature changes. They're also very good at detecting the presence of invisible forces. The element of earth comes into play here, because psychic touch is felt by clairsentients. They may experience things like prickling on the back of the neck, the feeling of water or heat on the skin, or an unseen hand grabbing them. Goosebumps can indicate a major shift in energy or the presence of an entity. This is something I experience as I enter heightened states of communion with my Higher Self.  

I had a clairsentient, clairvoyant moment during Middle School in front of the entire gym class. We were playing dodge-ball and it was down to only myself and two other individuals. I had my back turned toward the others, not seeing that one person had eliminated the other. But I saw and felt the ball coming at my back. In fact, I felt exactly where the ball was going to hit my back. Mere moments before this happened, I doubled over and the ball flew right over me. Had I not been crouched over; the ball would have struck me out exactly where I had felt it. It barely missed me. There was a collective gasp from the onlookers. And even though I ended up getting eliminated a minute or so later, the crowd was impressed. Several classmates asked how I did it. I shrugged and told them that I just felt it coming.

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