Welcome Seeker

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Claircognizance means "clear knowing". One of the easiest ways to describe this very broad term is to say that it's just knowing. Hunches are, quite often, a form of claircognizance. When you have a strong hunch, you just know it to be true without knowing how or why. And when a hunch is unshakable, it's because it's usually right on the money.

Clear knowing is like having a light bulb or series of light bulbs lighting up inside your head. It's the "Aha!" (Uranus) moment. This is like the archetypal Archimedes running through streets screaming, "Eureka!" It's a massive download of information in a flash. We should always carry something on our person to record down these lightning-fast insights (The Tower). Because they can come on so suddenly, they are also quick to fade from memory unless it's been recorded.  

With claircognizance I’m able to receive large overlays of information. An example: A series of characters or movies will pop into my head all at once. I instantly know, before even considering the "why" or "how", that they're all connected. So, I write down everything that popped into my head, and then I busy myself with researching it to decipher the code. First, I will look up imagery relative to what was received, and an intricate pattern comes to light—a "web sight" (website). For instance, I will look up images and character details. I will also look up the movie posters and the plot lines. If I feel a particularly strong pull, I may even watch the movie or movies. What I typically find is an underlying message of unity.

As I dive deeper into the character personalities or the movie plot themes, even more similarities emerge. They're all doppelgangers or perfect copies of each other even though they came from different minds. When I connect the stories or patterns, a larger story comes into focus: The cosmic story. It doesn't matter if these characters are fiction or even if they're based on real people. All consciousness arises from a unifying source. Imagination easily dips into these primordial archetypes. There really can't be anything but. We're all constantly recycling these original blueprints, adding mutant flavors to them. We're telling the same stories over and over under differing guises and masks. Each essence (Divine Spark) puts a new spin on an old tale. We're teaching an old DoGod new tricks through trial, error, and modification.

When I receive these overlays of information, it reminds me of layers in an image-editing program like Photoshop. Say you have a background or base, which we will call this the primordial backdrop of nothingness. The first layer is just one filter for the archetypes of consciousness to pour through and emerge. Then there is another layer on top of that one. This layer is another filter for consciousness to pour through and condense into a grosser but more tangible emanation. What was transparent or void begins to pool into something apparently solid but multidimensional. If the backdrop is this nothingness, then the filters might look like a fluid thickening into a frothy foam with a top layer of crust settling on the surface. That crust would be the visible forms of bodies and objects.

With each overlay, the energy solidifies into a multiplicity of bodies. What may be the seed of one archetype can take on many visible forms. The spark of consciousness is buried within the shape of the form it's been molded into. This spark may initially perceive surrounding forms to be separate from itself. But as the consciousness begins to see through the layers, the embodied archetypes are more clearly seen. The illusion of separation become obvious and a grid-like ladder of energy is revealed. Coiling intersections can be seen as the fractals curve back onto themselves. Each cycle, or revolution, is a recycle. The same patterns will repeat, and this looks like a webbed coil. It's the same image coming back around, but on an ascending frequency. We are eternally frozen in motion.

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