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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Awakening the Inner Senses

It's important that, once our inner sensorium has been awakened, that we don't try to color the information that we receive with our personal longings. Higher intuition is never how the linear intellect will expect it to be, although there is a touch of familiarity to it. Because it's simply remembering what's always been. Still, when most people are attempting to awaken their "sixth sense", their intentions are for personal gain. The actual experience is quite the opposite, as it entirely behooves the personal self.

Frequently I witness those that are in the preparation stages of awakening and aligning wrongly interpret "the signs". They take their synchronicities and try to apply them to a romantic or financial situation. While I don't want to totally disregard those as possibilities, this is very limiting. Viewing everything through the lens of a personal desire creates illusion and distortion. The only way for the Higher Self, then, to snap the Ego out of it is through personal hardship. Wake up calls are rarely pleasant, are they?

The truth is laden and latent in everything, which is "no thing" at all. The truth is both strikingly simple and yet infinitely complex. Any barriers are illusions and must eventually be overcome. All one needs to do is examine the stories that we've collectively imagined. The common elements in all our tales can be easily found with a little discrimination. The parallels are quite obvious and "in your face". So obvious that we don't even bother to see or draw them because we're always so focused on what is "different". Individuality and unity, how can we reconcile them? They're both true. The individual is an expression of Spirit's diverse traits and qualities. There is value in the appearance of individuality. But the individual is merely a piece, an apparition, of a much larger body: A collective soul.

The ego likes to come up with conspiracy theories to justify itself. It's much easier to play the victim then it is to take responsibility for the state of our personal and group affairs. It's easier to be lazy, selfish, and greedy. Easier to point the finger and place blame on another for our unhappiness. But that is so silly in the face of the truth: We are all ONE. The "them" is "us". We did it to ourselves: The good, the bad, and the horrendously ugly. We are all equally responsible, because the collective experience is a personal and collective effort. We are of hive mind, whether we are consciously aware of that fact or not. Each person influences the whole.

Is it true, then, that there are varying degrees of influence? Yes. One can increase their influence by increasing their vibration. Those stoking the fires of a higher frequency will always have more influence than those vibrating from a lower level. But this works to the benefit of all. Again, the lower will always try to rise to meet the higher. The higher is always bringing the lower "up to speed". Just think about these words. I frequently say "frequently" to describe something that happens a lot or quickly. Frequently, frequency. See? In your face.

When we become aware of the mental mainstream, we can then extricate ourselves from the rigid consensus. With a higher vantage point, we bring awareness to where there was darkness because we can see from a new perspective. That affects the consensus positively. Slowly, everyone liberates themselves from going about life on autopilot. This aligns us with higher schools of thought on the inner planes (in-tuition).

The sleeping masses are endlessly looping themselves in a limited broadband of thought. They're not even aware that they're not aware. Those that awaken from the illusion, then, become "real human beings". An automaton cannot accelerate organically except through experience. The personality is a robot being manipulated by its own programming, its personal whims and motives.

These personal desires often create pain, suffering, and karmic debt. But it's precisely these experiences that also turn around to produce self-awareness. By suffering, by causing suffering, or by witnessing suffering, the ego begins to observe more carefully. The ego develops compassion and empathy. The ego, then, begins to take the ramifications of its actions more seriously and starts thinking on a broader scale. This eventually leads them to seeking the creator, the true Self.

This awakening process can extend over a multitude of incarnations and/or be expedited in one particular life. We all go at our own pace and are only ever given what we can handle. There is no desirable far-off date to begin. To awaken is to be fully present, here and now. NOW! Whenever we get stuck in a fearful worry, anger, the victim mentality, or mentally replaying past experiences—we are not present. 

Within each of us are "sleeper cells". If we continue to operate on autopilot, they will remain imprisoned or static. These sleeper cells can be taken literally and symbolically. They can also be seen outside of us whenever we see others behaving unconsciously. But when we have a quickening of awakening, these sleeper cells come online. With these cells active, we can then carve out new pathways. Hidden paths within, previously overlooked. This frees us from unconsciously reliving the same narratives over and over.

Despite our shared unity, the individual experience of psychic unfoldment varies from person-to-person. There really is no "one guide fits all" (and, yet, the "One (transpersonal) Guide" is within us all -- to be experienced in deeply personal ways). We all come in with our own unique set of gifts. Still, there are some commonly-shared terms that can be discussed which may help one navigate this inner blossoming.

When the fire of liberation ascends the spinal column to reach headquarters (kundalina arousal), the individual has been initiated. This electric fire stirs these sleeper cells into activity, and they allow that person to perceive in unusual ways. The person can then see and experience the reality behind the world of manifestation. Intuition is heightened, and the newly initiated begins to realize that they are truly the beginnings of a star. That's right, we are all star seeds. Science has already told us that we are all made up of star stuff, so it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to grasp this. We can look to the stars above for guidance, for the macro is in the micro.

The initiate may be flooded with patterns, shapes, colors, and unusual symbols. There is a sudden reorganization of thought and information. Reserves within the individual and collective cluster together to be recognized in a new light. So, while these may be memories of what we might call the past, they arise for illumination rather than for nostalgia's sake. Waves of synchronicity come closer and closer together, much like contractions during labor. Deja vu is not an unusual feeling, and that, too, comes in more frequently.

The person becomes a walking "bullshit detector". They've activated their "X-Ray Vision" and can see through any form of subliminal messaging (please see plot for Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist). Symbolic breakdown becomes much easier and occult imagery becomes transparent to them. Although it still takes a little while to discern coded messages of antiquity, it's now possible with intuition alone.  The deeper meaning of parables, riddles, fables, myths, and fairy tales are readily grasped. The inner teacher is contacted.

The boundary between the outer world of appearances and the inner planes of thought begin to blur -- the Fourth Wall is broken. It can feel disorienting discerning up from down, in from out, and me from the we. It's perfectly normal to have mixed feelings about all of that, too. In truth, this is reorientation.

When submerging into the collective unconscious, we can be met with many frightening specters. It can make one want to turn and run the other way, and try to tune it all out again. But just like with a nightmare, if we have the courage to turn around and face whatever is plaguing us, we can cast a light on it and it will be neutralized by a corrected understanding.

Before I continue, I would like to make a statement about the unfoldment of psychic abilities. The development of these inner faculties should only serve as a means to serve and to "know thyself". The heart knows the true intent of any aspirant, and you cannot fool your own heart. If the goal is Divine Communion and the growth of the soul, you will be successful in your awakening. If the goal is to know yourself and to liberate yourself, you will be successful in your awakening. Petty, inferior desires will not allow you to open up that Lion's Gate. The heart always knows. Can these innate gifts be abused? Yes, but any form of abuse will retard overall unfoldment. 

Psychic Abilities

The following articles will briefly detail the many ways psychic expression can be experienced. Click on the title to read the article:

Clairvoyance: Clear Seeing.

Clairaudience: Clear Hearing.

Claircognizance: Clear Knowing.

Clairsentience: Clear Feeling. Empathy is also discussed, as it shares similar elements.

Clairalience: Clear Smelling.

Clairgustance: Clear Tasting.

Astral Projection: Out of body experiences. Remote Viewing and Lucid Dreaming also discussed as they also bear relation.

Telepathy: Also referred to as Telempathy. Ability to communicate with others beyond the five physical senses.

Telekinesis: Ability to move objects with the mind. Poltergeists also discussed under this category.

Paranormal Activity and Mediumship: High Strangeness surrounding the psychic; conscious interaction with disembodied spirits.

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