Welcome Seeker

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Astral Projection

The solar astral body is one of the subtle bodies that needs to be roused and developed. The astral double is lunar in nature, and is the body of desires. The astral double is linked to the sexual centers in the body, as well as the heart. The lunar astral double (molecular) is ruled by lower emotions and desires. The true astral body is connected to the higher emotions of pure love, altruism, and compassion. It is the servant of "Good Will to All". The astral double is purely mechanical. It’s like the autopilot of the astral bodies, or the astral body running on default settings. Its purpose is to be evolved into a higher (conscious) solar vehicle. This is something I am still learning about and growing within myself, so I cannot say too much more on this at the time of this writing. I will, however, endeavor to outline the basics of astral projection—lunar or otherwise.

Astral projection is an out of body experience and is often related with lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is a term used to describe conscious dreaming. When you are lucidly dreaming, you are aware that you are asleep. With this, you can consciously conjure up whatever scenario you desire (see what I did there?). Lucid dreaming can also a means to remote view—past, present, or future potentials. I would imagine parallel timelines of the past, too, can also be accessed this way. The astral body is linked to the fourth dimension. Without some development of the solar astral body, the fourth dimension would be inaccessible to the conscious mind.

Many describe seeing a silver umbilical cord tethering themselves to their physical vessel when they are astral projecting. Astral projection often begins with the experience of floating above oneself while sleeping at night. Others remember having an aerial view of breathtaking landscapes. Common recollections include soaring among the cosmos and seeing the planets in our solar system. Astral projection, or out of body experiences, are commonly reported during near death experiences.

Astral projection can also be experienced when one is in a meditative or hypnagogic trance. Earlier, when I described seeing myself from multiple viewpoints, I am describing a type of astral projection. I frequently have these out of body experiences.

Another ability that I would group into this category is called "bilocation" or "multilocation". This is the appearance of a person being seen or heard in multiple locations at once. This is something that has been confirmed to have happened to me twice, thus far, in my present incarnation. The first incident occurred when I had a friend over for the night. She is also going through these initiations. She and a fellow guest were sitting in the kitchen talking while I was in the bedroom sleeping. I had gone to bed earlier because I was being hit heavy with the “Angelfire” (systemic saturation).

First, I will recount my perspective and then I will describe her testimony: In the darkness, I vaguely recall talking to some other being. My conscious mind has no understanding of the verbal communication that we were using, except that it was in a foreign or alien language. It was purely telepathic, non-physical. My eyes were wide open, even though I was supposed to be asleep. I wasn't conscious of my eyes being open until the bedroom door opened and my friend came in. Her appearance snapped me out of my stupor and the memories of whatever had transpired rapidly faded. Before she spoke, I said something along the lines of, "Wait a second! Wait a second! I was talking to someone! I can't forget what they said!" My friend suddenly broke out into tears.

From her viewpoint: She was chatting with her friend in the kitchen while the windows were open. After a little while, they both faintly heard two people talking right outside of the window. They didn't understand what these people were saying, except that it sounded incredibly odd. Thinking someone was lurking outside of the house, they went to the front door and stood outside to listen. She said she recognized that one of the voices was mine and that I was talking in a foreign tongue. The other being sounded strange but muffled. If I remember correctly, she said called out to me with no response. Knowing that I was supposed to be in the bedroom, they came back into the house to double-check on my location. That's when she barged into the bedroom and snapped me out of my trance—where she found me lying in the dark with my eyes open. I remember that my eyes hurt and felt very dry after that.

The second incident happened on February 28th of 2017 with my then-boyfriend. I was living with him and was, again, asleep. He was busy cleaning in the kitchen when he heard what sounded like a clicking noise. He said the clicking noise reminded him of what sounded like someone clicking with their tongue. He turned around and walked into the living room. As soon as he reached the front door he saw a tall figure outside one of the windows. He said the entity was taller than the window, with the window extending to about 7 feet high. As soon as he saw it, he said it started to run away. As it ran, it was making a reptilian-sounding gurgling noise. After disappearing, he stepped outside to check the parameters. He didn't see anything but could hear the neighbor's dogs barking like crazy at whatever had run past.

After its disappearance, he came back into the house to finish cleaning up the kitchen. He had turned to take some medication when he saw me out of his peripherals. He said I was standing in the entrance to the dining room area, about where he'd stopped to see what he'd described as some sort of alien. He thought that I'd woken up to come and get a drink of water. When he turned to face me fully, I was no longer there. He then ventured into the bedroom to check up on me, and saw me sound asleep. He was unable to wake me up.

That next morning, after he'd gone to work, I woke up to channel like I always do. Without having yet talked to him about the night before, all the information that came through was related to "extraterrestrials". I hesitate to use such a label, but that’s what came to me during my morning meditation. When we later discussed what had happened the night before, I showed him what I’d channeled that morning. While I may have no memory of that out of body experience, something was obviously retained.

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