Welcome Seeker

Monday, April 27, 2020


Can you hear me Now? 

Symbol(s): Bull
Element and Modality: Earth, Fixed
Planetary Ruler(s): Venus
House: Values, Possessions
Bodily Function(s): Throat, Voice, Tongue, Ears

Tarot Card: The Hierophant
Hebrew Letter: Vav

Taurus has precedence over the area of the throat. As an Earth sign, Taurus also represents the physical body and our material possessions. So there is a connection between the throat and the accumulation of goods and finances. A pregnant Mother nesting is a positive archetypal example of these energies. There we see the conception (creation) of new life and the need to secure a stable home. A distortion of this same archetype would be a person who hoards or accrues a large fortune but never puts it into constructive use.

We take in, or consume, through our mouths and throats. What we assimilate into our being becomes our life blood, and this builds and sustains our body. This is also true for the mental food we acquire. What or who are we listening to? Do we overly invest ourselves in the thoughts and ideas of others? Or perhaps we don't even listen to what others have to say. What about our own inner voice? Through the throat, we can externalize or project our mind for others to hear.

Hierophant comes from Latin and Greek and loosely translates as "Sacred Reveal", "Sacred Show". This mode of intuition expresses itself through the inner ear: Clairaudience (clear hearing), particularly subjective clairaudience. Clairvoyance (clear seeing) and claircognizance (clear knowing) might also be emphasized in this mode of elevated consciousness. This is a sort of "Show and Tell" of the Spirit -- revealing, revelations. Looking at The Hierophant card, one might initially be inclined to think that it's referring to organized religions and outward worship. But it is referring to the patriarchal light and wisdom that is found when we attune within -- one's inner sanctum (sanctuary). It was through this mode of consciousness that most of the outward religions were formed.

In the section discussing Cancer (ruled by the Moon), the mythological connection of Neptune with the hippocampus came up. We also dissected the word 'hermaphrodite', showing that it conjoins Hermes (Mercury) and Aphrodite (Venus, which rules the sign of Taurus). In mythology, Maia and Zeus (Jupiter) were the parents of Hermes. Maia is one of the Seven Sisters from the Pleiades star system. This cluster of stars is located in the shoulder of the Bull (Taurus). In mythology, these stars are sometimes called Atlantides and are said to be the daughters of Atlas and Pleione. Atlas is often shown holding up the heavens, or the Celestial Spheres (the machinery of the Universe). Some depictions show the Seven Sisters laying at his feet. When we think of feet, we must recall Pisces. The feet might refer to the subconscious or the unconscious, or might simply be referencing the physical body. Taurus is an Earth sign. The element of Earth always has correspondence with solids.

When examining the meaning and origin of the word Atlantis, we find that it means "Daughter of Atlas" or "Island of Atlas". Knowing that the Pleiades are also called the Atlantides, is within the Earth sign of Taurus, we can see how both of these translations are fitting. Atlantis was said to have been an island (Earth atop Water). Once again, we see Atlas bearing a great sphere of the heavens (or, on occasion, the Earth). Where, in the physical anatomy, can we commune with the heavens? In the upper chakras, within and above the heart. The Celestial Sphere, then, could represent the human skull. If we look at the human anatomy, we will find that the very top vertebra of the spine, the one supporting the skull, is named Atlas for that very reason.

The Moon (The Moon tarot card connecting us with Pisces, co-ruled by Jupiter and Neptune) is exalted in Taurus. Taurus governs the throat and the inner ear. We see the Pleiades at the feet of Atlas, anatomically implying that they are just below Atlas. We also remember that the feet correspond to the unconscious (Lunar, veiling Neptune) and to the sign of Pisces. Pisces also rules the brain stem: The medulla oblongata and the cerebellum. These structures support and are posterior to the hippocampus. So, the corporeal body (Earth, Taurus) being supported (built by) the waters of the unconscious (Moon). The body being the island.

Interestingly, there is another Greek myth involving the daughter of Aeolus (God of the Winds), named Alcyone, and her lover Ceyx. Ceyx was the King of Trachis. Trachis resembles the word "trachea". Anatomically speaking, the trachea is the windpipe that connects the pharynx and larynx with the lungs (Gemini). Alcyone is also the name of the brightest star in the Pleaides cluster. Due to their proclamations, Alcyone and Ceyx displeased the gods. While Ceyx was out to sea, Zeus threw a thunderbolt and sunk the ship. The husband drowned. While praying for Ceyx's safe return, Alcyone received a message in her dreams. It was a reenactment of the death of her husband, sent by Hera (Wife of Zeus) through Morpheus (God of Sleep and Dreams -- Pisces, Moon, Neptune). The dream lead Alcyone to the body of Ceyx, washed ashore. In her despair, she threw herself into the sea to drown (the collective unconscious). Touched by their love, the gods took pity on the couple and resurrected them as birds: Kingfishers.

Pretend that you've never heard a word before and have no comprehension of words. Or, you're in a foreign land and you don't speak the language. It would all be abstract to you, meaningless. You would have no associations to latch onto, no "frames of reference". It would just be sound. Noise. Utter nonsense. And everyone speaking the words would seem crazy to you. Until you start to learn the language. Then you begin to understand what everyone is talking about. But, what if you learned the language in a different way, with different associations than the native speakers? You'd have a totally new set of associations -- a new, or different, depth of meaning. You'd create a whole new language. This language would, in turn, create a whole "new world" by adding extra dimensions of perception. What if you learned the language, with its traditional associations, but because of your flexibility as a newcomer, you were able to (re)wire your brain in such away to include multiple layers of meaning -- equally true and also connected in ways that only you (or few) could understand?

Do you see what this implies? That we can (and DO) create planes of existence via thought-forms and the words (sounds) we utter. When we speak about something, we are usually speaking about an object, an event, or a person. What does this produce in our mind? An image. These words (sounds) are always tethered to an image of some kind. What is an image? Geometry. So, these vibrations (thoughts, words) form geometric structures. Geometry is sound. Sound is light. Light is energy. That's all anything really is. Cycling and recycling patterns of energy. As we speak, we create. So, whatever you're thinking about is what you're eventually creating. It is just as they always say: "Where attention goes, energy flows."

This is the main distinction between the lower kingdoms and the Human Kingdom. Life evolves according to its ability to become aware of (and create) patterns. A mineral really has no awareness or control of the patterns it's forming, or the patterns of creation forming around it. Similar can be said for vegetation. But a plant has a higher level of awareness and vitality than a rock. A plant can respond. A plant can sense, although dimly and dreamily. A plant can burst out of its encasing and reach toward the light. With its roots, it can dig down deeper to find the moisture. The more advanced plants start to take on animal-like traits in appearance and behavior (carnivorous plants, plants that emit sounds). The kingdoms begin to blend together as the life essence prepares for its next incarnation in Animal Kingdom.

Animals can and do speak, although not with the language nor the clarity that humans do. But you can definitely see the stirrings of speech and obvious outward communication with the animals. Not that plants don't communicate. We know that they do through pheromones and hormones. But insects and animals have more advanced systems of communications. We also see blatant evidence of telepathy, or non-verbal communication, and group coordination with both plants and animals. Examples being: Flocks of birds, schools of fish, and insect hives. But there is little independent thought. An animal will operate according to survival, need, and procreative urge. With animals, we do start to see the beginning of craftmanship (nests, dams, shelters, and occasionally utilizing utensils to satisfy a need). Pattern recognition really begins with animals, but usually only as a means to navigate and survive.

Once we arrive at the Human Kingdom and reach adulthood, we generally have the basics of survival mastered. We can socialize and create solely for pleasure or entertainment. We can entertain abstract concepts that give us a broader understanding of creation. Entire languages (intricate patterns of energy) are formed and easily learned. We can write books. We can imagine an object and can formulate a plan or blueprint to build it.

Complementary/Opposing Sign

The Empress tarot card, ruled by Venus, shows a pregnant woman sitting in a field of wheat. This wheat represents the harvesting of the vital life forces. Her pregnancy is the promise of this future fruition: Sexual transmutation and the sublimation of these energies. Through fertile Venus, we can conceive of and learn new ways to create. We can also form new ideas around what it truly means to be a sexual creator. Through these energies of reproduction (Scorpio), we can transform (Death) seed thoughts of potential into living realizations. These realizations are built into our very bodies (Taurus).

Scorpio is the complementary sign of Taurus. Scorpio, like Cancer and Pisces, is a water sign -- and water always represents creative receptivity. Scorpio is ruled by Mars. Here we must refer to the well-known clandestine love affair between Mars and Venus. Clandestine means that these passions are kept in secret, and yet the knowledge of this love affair has been reincarnated generation after generation. A secretive love (Gemini-Sagittarius) affair -- secretions. Rowdy Mars needs the taming (Strength, Leo) guidance of the patient Venus.

The sphere of Mars represents brute force, power, and muscle. Mars, relative to Saturn, can manifest destructively (mar, marring, scarring). Warring (war, mar, Mars) tension is an attribute of the wrathful Mars. It is interesting to note that tonicity (muscle tone) is assigned to Mars. Tonicity also has applications within linguistics (speech) and biology (osmosis). We can associate Mars with the color red (or orange) and the metal of iron. The color red can also be linked to the blood, to desire, and also with fire. Venus, wife of Vulcan (the metallurgist), is known as the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and vegetation. We can associate the color green and the metal copper with Venus. Red (stop, destruct) and green (go, grow) are famously displayed during the holiday of Christmas. When the two are harmoniously united, the carnal lust of Mars is channeled pro-creatively rather than destructively. She is the Beauty to his Beast.

This communion shapes within us a new way to conceive -- a new way to perceive. Sex, then, becomes more than just a carnal act to satiate fleeting (Mercury) lust. These forces can be redirected to destroy (Mars) any defects within us. As our falsehoods are destroyed, true clarity of perception is erected and restored in its place.


Outwardly, Taurus deals with our material values and possessions. Inwardly, however, Taurus deals with the relationship we have with Self. And this inner relationship determines our values. What we value is influenced by what we believe. Venus, through Libra, externally expresses itself through the relationships we have with others. The intimate relationships we have with others is a reflection of the relationship we have with ourselves. So these two seemingly separate modes of relating are relative. Possessive Taurus can express itself through mental, emotional, physical, or sexual attachment. This translates in our relationships with others and Self. These, often unconscious, desires affect our behavior and shape our values.

The Ego possesses thoughts, latches on to emotional states, and grapples with conflicting desires. The Ego, as well as its possessions, are all figments arising from the imagination (Venus). Imagination has its foundation in memory (High Priestess, Moon). This pool of memory belongs to both the individual and the collective unconscious.The Moon is exalted in Taurus. Through creative imagination, the unseen can come to know its diversified qualities. Much like the Ego reflects the nature of the Soul, the Soul acts as a lens of focus through which Spirit can create. It is only through the created that the creator can come to know itself. And it is only through the boundary of a skin (Earth, matter) that the boundless can find definition.

When we identify with our possessions, we deviate from our center. The Ego, its body, its personal thoughts and desires are all possessions belonging to the Super-consciousness. This Divine Spark is immortal, but the Ego is not. The Ego is subject to change and refinement as boundaries are pushed and the light of the indwelling consciousness grows stronger.

Exaltation: Moon
Detriment: Mars
Other Earth Signs: Capricorn, Virgo
Other Fixed Signs: Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo

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