Welcome Seeker

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

New Moon in Taurus

It doesn't matter when you read this. The archetypes are evergreen. So, you could be reading this in April of 2020 -- or you may just happenstance upon this at some future date. Regardless, this message, as always, was meant to reach you NOW. There is something unfolding in your present situation that is activating or touching upon these energies.

Uncertainty is moving through the collective, with the coronavirus as the visible but invisible catalyst. But the virus, itself, is just another scapegoat (Capricorn).
"The soul needs an outer drama that can help awaken and pull into conscious awareness the inner myth and seeded story it carries within." - ???

Uncertainty breeds insecurity. With Uranus currently transiting through Taurus (May 15th, 2018-April 26th, 2026), these are themes that we're to be well-acquainted with for the next few years. And we're seeing it unfold now: Uncertainty (Uranus) threatening our security (Taurus), our economy, our resources, our traditions, and our overall way of life (which calls into question our values).
Outer security is, and always has been, an illusion. All is transitory. All is subject-to-change. And, while our sense of safety (Cancer/Taurus) has been 'shook' (Uranus/Pluto-Mars), we can retreat within -- into our inner sanctum -- and regain a true sense of ("in")security. There, we can reconnect (Vav - Taurus) with our True Voice, aligning us with our True Calling.

Cancer and Taurus alike are associated with the concept of nourishment. Nourishment implies both survival and pleasure (Taurus). "Survive" versus "Thrive" are also themes I've noticed moving through the collective lately as well. Our home environments (Cancer -- the North Node is currently in this sign until May 5th, 2020; and has been here since November of 2018), where we've all been asked to retreat to, has been stripped down to ESSENTIALS due to (temporary) loss (or reduction) of income as well as resources (Taurus).

Let's examine this word for a second: Essential. Comes from essence.

"mid-14c., "that is such by its essence," from Late Latin essentialis, from essentia "being, essence," abstract noun formed (to translate Greek ousia "being, essence") from essent-, present participle stem of esse "to be," from PIE root *es- "to be." Meaning "pertaining to essence" is from late 14c., that of "constituting the essence of something" is from 1540s; that of "necessary" is from 1520s. Essentials "indispensable elements" is from early 16c. Related: Essentially." - From Etymonline.com
Pure Being is synonymous with Primal Essence. This primal, indivisible, essence underlies all of the manifested universe -- visible and invisible to the naked eye and/or physical senses. Each individual is but a cog in a grander cosmic machine, each of us playing our role and influencing the whole, both consciously and subconsciously. What affects one affects all. What may ail the person, ails the crowd. We are Together, at Home. Although we're in quarantine and asked to self-isolate (or "shelter in place"), and consequently visibly alone -- we're invisibly and indivisibly all-one. This has always been the case, but is being highlighted and emphasized during this period of great "energy tending to change" (Uranus - The Fool).

We're being asked to SLOW DOWN (Saturn moving into Aquarius -- this New Moon is also squaring Saturn) and journey inward to rediscover the source of all nourishment and connection. To temporarily disconnect from the plane of appearances, which is currently a scene of social disconnection, and realize that "things are not always as they seem". Except that "things" are that, too (the medium is the message, the message is the medium). Thing being (reflecting) no-thing. The inner enriches the outer. If you're outwardly lacking in any way, shape, or form, it's because you're called to return to center. This outward restriction is temporary. We're truly spring cleaning from the inside-out. Too much consumption (Taurus) on a purely material level has forced us into the situation we're in now. Vanity is blocking the beauty of authenticity.

In order to refill our cups, we must empty them. The same applies to all of our material possessions. Right now we're asked to only venture out for necessity (essentials -- essence). This forces us to reevaluate our priorities. What do we need, what do we value, most? What can we live without, and what simple pleasures are still available to us? So, we weed out distraction in order to plant new seeds (New Moon). Seed being essence. Seed being potential. Essence being potential. If you've an empty home, an empty garden, an empty pantry -- then you're full of potential! Quality can now "TRUMP" quantity (Venus), and we can now plant seeds that fulfill a higher purpose.

Use this time of solitude and reflection to reconnect with your inner-web of Re:Source (IN...COME). What riches and untapped potential lie within that need tending to? Many have gotten crafty (Mercury) during this time, opening themselves up to new avenues of revenue that are entirely self-reliant. Perhaps, when all is said and done, many will no longer falsely believe they need to rely on an external authority to direct their lives. And this self-reliance will be what transforms surviving into thriving. Not only will work transform into labors of love, but this discipline (Saturn) of only taking what is needed will give so much back to us, and the world-at-large, in return. (Again, Venusian themes.)

It's okay to feel scared. It's okay to have fear. Fear of the unknown. But, is it possible to find the excitement in all of it, too? Big endings and big beginnings are afoot (as they always are). So, of course there is grief. Of course there is anxiety. Those are very valid emotions, and they shouldn't be undermined. However, adventure is on the horizon! The Law of Compensation is eternally operating, and that should provide us some comfort to move through life's trials and ordeals.

New Moons, generally, usher in new beginnings. It's like pushing "refresh" or "reset". Liberate yourself from old habits and traditions. Get "outside of the box" of comfort (for many, solitude can be discomforting). Think outside of the box. The old routine is being shaken up, and everything is "up in the air"/unstable (New Moon conjunct Uranus). As usual, when Uranus is involved, one can expect to be surprised ("expect the unexpected"/things happening "out of the blue").

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