Welcome Seeker

Sunday, April 26, 2020


Use Your Words

Symbol(s): Crab, Turtle, Sphinx, Vehicle
Element and Modality: Water, Cardinal
Planetary Ruler(s): Moon, Neptune
House: Ancestral, Family, Home, Emotions
Bodily Function(s): Breasts, Thymus, Stomach

Tarot Card: The Chariot
Hebrew Letter: Cheth

Almost as soon as we have mentally grasped or latched onto something, we have created a boundary or a border. Mental imagery arises, to which we seek to define with words (vibrations that produce geometric symbols -- which morph and multiply). Out of these mentations, an apparent form (object or body) can be produced via "thin air" (no-thing aka "the field"). That form (which 'begins' as a seed of psycho-spiritual potential) houses those psychic aggregations (often initially unconscious, but can be intentional). However, the seed requires additional elements in order to come into fruition on the mental and physical planes; otherwise it remains dormant (sterile). As a seed, it is merely a blueprint (impression). The created product is what comes "out of the blue" (primordial waters) when desire (impulse) meets action (masculine, conscious aspect). Without the generation of heat, the egg would not be able to hatch. Without the active sperm racing to penetrate the passive egg, that blueprint would remain unfertilized and unable to grow.

An infant latches onto its mother's breast in order to nourish itself and grow. When we latch onto a concept, we're able to hatch new plans by nourishing our thought-forms with passion-driven action. The opening of the mammary duct is called a nipple, and it is surrounded by the areola (area). The areola acts, again, as a small enclosure. With love and passion, the Mother offers (action) her breast to the infant. The hungry (hunger/desire) infant latches on (action) and receives the sustenance.

Cancer is a matronly sign, and represents the Gate of Birth (into Matter). On the flip-side, the Gate of Birth can be viewed as the Gate of Death (Capricorn) for Spirit. From this viewpoint, it would place Capricorn as the Gate of Rebirth of the Soul-Spirit. As Spirit descends into Matter, it must slow way down in vibration in order to crystallize into the shell of the form. The Divine Spark of consciousness that descends into matter is darkened (veiled) by the dense material world. It is unconscious or asleep to its own spiritual nature, and comes under the rule of mass (subconscious) consciousness.

As that Divine Spark evolves through the various Kingdoms in nature, it slowly regains consciousness. As we evolve, we slowly remember that we are spiritual beings in form. And we see that the form is crystallized Spirit. As the consciousness grows, the form becomes more complex but less dense.

So this tiny embryonic Soul enters into the material realm through Cancer, our Lunar Mother. That Divine Spark is then submitted to the heavy mechanical revolutions of the physical dimension (Malkuth). As that Soul traverses through its various incarnations from one Kingdom to the next, it accrues karmic (Saturn) debt, but also acquires fortune (Jupiter) through its earthly labors (Virgo). Equilibrium (Libra) exalts Saturn, which inevitably liberates the Soul from these constricting mechanical rotations by neutralizing karma. Elevated in the sign of Cancer, Jupiter brings expansion to the consciousness housed within the shell of the Crab.

Upon birth, a significant portion of the persona (mask) is unconscious (automatic or undeveloped) or subconscious. As the ruler of the House of Ancestry, certain personality traits are genetically inherited. Karma also plays a role in the molding of the mask. This mask can also be likened to the protective outer shell of the Crab. This safeguards the Soul so that it may survive in the physical dimension.

It also masks many of the extrasensory abilities that we all naturally possess. As the child grows, the child learns to be ashamed of certain qualities, or to repress certain ideas or behaviors. The child hardens their perception and turns their focus almost entirely outward. Parents, siblings, peers, and schooling hard-wire that consciousness. The conditioning is often so intense that that child no longer has access to their intuitive faculties. Although physically conscious, they are spiritually asleep. They, then, come under the rule of the herd and are easily swayed by fads and public opinion. So much potential is then rejected and remains in the subconscious. When this is the case, it usually only arises as an undesirable situation or unhealthy habit. But make no mistake: It will make itself known, one way or another.

When we over-specify and narrow things down, we close ourselves off to our many potentials. This is very Saturnine. And this close-minded conditioning is what further mechanizes us. Routine is good, but too much of a routine turns us into robots. The first few years of brain development is very crucial. The majority of the brain's architecture is hard-wired by the age of 3. At 7, the mask of the personality is almost fully formed. As we age, it is (but only typically, which I am making a point to emphasize) harder and harder for us to learn new things. We become very set in our ways, and when something doesn't go our way, we're easily rocked. Those unwilling to change further cling to their habits and go on to develop disease.

If we remain open, like a child, we have the option of being reborn within the vessel we're already in. We can consciously choose to change the inherited/conditioned aspects of our personality. We can cultivate new traits, new behaviors, and new talents. We can be a true entrepreneur -- a Jack of All Trades (The Fool).

Cancer is the ruler of the thymus gland. The thymus gland is located just above and behind the heart (Leo, Sun), between the lungs (Gemini, Mercury). This makes sense since we already know that Cancer has domicile of the mammary glands. The thymus gland is responsible for the development of the immune system (protection, safeguard, shield). The state of our immune system reflects of our vital strength. If we are sick, then we know that there is an obstruction or dis-ease between the vital body and the physical body. Or between the sexual, mental, and emotional bodies.

The thymus gland is connected to our sexual development (a little later on, we will see that this relates to Scorpio and the pineal gland). Typically, at the onset of puberty, the thymus gland begins to atrophy. Puberty, or sexual maturity, ushers us into adulthood. Adulthood marks the peak of our lives, and from there, our physical decline. This is due of the degeneration of the thymus gland. Through transmutation, however, this gland can be regenerated. The life of the physical body can then be prolonged indefinitely. This is up to the indwelling consciousness.

Complementary/Opposing Sign

Cancer represents the Motherly womb. On the other side we have Capricorn, the Fatherly figure of authority. Yoked, these archetypes unveil the relationship of Spirit (Capricorn) with Matter (Cancer). Their procreative union brings about the rebirth of the Christ (Sun/Son/Sol/Soul). This may seem contrary to what has already been said about Capricorn, but we must remember that all signs have layered (dual) meaning -- especially when we are relating them to the other signs.

Knowing that Capricorn is ruled by Saturn (space and time), we can also see how Capricorn and Cancer might be seen as identical twins. The shell of the Crab could be viewed as the physical body and/or the mask of the personality (Capricorn/Malkuth). The being inside the shell could be seen as the vital/ethereal body or the subconscious. The subconscious (The Moon, Pisces) is what builds the corporeal body. The planetary ruler of Cancer is the Moon. The sphere of Yesod is the sphere of the Moon. Yesod relates to the sexual organs (Scorpio), but also the vital body. So Cancer, in this context, represents that subtle vital body of the Soul. Soul is similar to Sol. Cancer (the breasts) is situated next to Leo (the heart).

Can you see how flexibility opens us up to the many ways that these archetypes can be viewed? This is how we resolve inner and outer conflicts. By remaining open to the possibilities that things can be seen from multiple angles (but all valid), we reconcile opposites and enter into a state of Unity.

Moon and Neptune

The limbic system is located in the center of the brain, bridging and branching off into the two hemispheres. Significant formations in the limbic system include: The hypothalamus, the thalamus, the hippocampus, the pituitary gland, the pineal gland, and the amygdala. It's a major center for emotions (Cancer) and memory (High Priestess, Moon). The pituitary gland is connected to the hypothalamus, and is considered to be the center of command for the endocrine system. This command center regulates the hormonal secretions of all the glands, and coordinates communication between the endocrine and nervous system. It also translates a hormonal response to external stimulus received through the nervous system. The pineal gland governs our internal wake-sleep cycles as well as the sexual (Scorpio) development of the body. But these are merely a few of their exoteric functions.

So, what does this have to do with Cancer, the Moon, and Neptune? One of Cancer's major themes has been housing, formation, and enclosure. The house (Beth, The Magician (Mercury)) that is the corporeal body (which is under the modifying influence of Pisces (co-ruled by Jupiter and Neptune)). Neptune is the ruler of the unconscious (waters). Many mythological images of Neptune include the God riding a chariot driven by seahorses. This can be compared to the imagery we see in The Chariot tarot card. Cancer, as we know, is a water symbol. Neptune is the god of the sea. The Moon is the ruler of the tides (ebb and flow). The water relates to the (pro)creative powers of the imagination (The Empress), the subconscious/unconscious, and also memory. Mem-ory. Mem is a Hebrew mother letter (ascribed to The Hanged Man card (ruled by Neptune)).

When we examine the etymology of the word hippocampus (Greek: Hippokampos), the connections are revealed. Hippos means "horse" and kampos means "sea monster". The structure of the hippocampus looks very much like a seahorse. This takes us back to Neptune with his chariot driven by seahorses. Cancer (The Chariot) connects the third eye (pituitary) with the throat (creative communication) chakra. The pineal (crown) gland governs the sexual development (Scorpio is a water sign). The pituitary gland regulates the secretions of all of the glands. Secrete, secret (veils, the Moon).

The commander of any chariot (vehicle) is the driver (consciousness). The driver of The Chariot appears to be hermaphroditic (Hermes (Mercury), Aphrodite (Venus)). All thought and speech originates in the creative imagination, which has its foundation in memory (or the subconscious/unconscious). Our thoughts and words (throat chakra) have the power to alter our physical body and build our external reality. The driver of the chariot, then, is a traveler between worlds (the limbic (limbus, branches) system bridges the two hemispheres of the brain). This establishes communication (Mercury) between the higher (upper centers) and the lower (centers below the heart). Between the self-conscious and the superconscious through the subconscious. A chariot can ascend and descend, and is therefore a messenger (nervous system).

The term "traveler" is also used to describe someone has conscious experience of astral travel. This astral body is molecular and can affect changes on a cellular (physical) level. Here we circle back to the foundation (Yesod) and The Moon (Pisces). The Chariot is appropriately called the Agent of Change. The Soul (inner body of the Crab) enters in through the constellation of Cancer (the astral/vital body) to form the physical body and outward persona (shell).

Exaltation: Jupiter
Detriment: Cancer
Other Water Signs: Pisces, Scorpio
Other Cardinal Signs: Aries, Libra, Capricorn

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