Welcome Seeker

Sunday, April 19, 2020

3 of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles
2nd Decan of Capricorn (Saturn); January 1st-10th
Ruled by: Venus in Taurus
Constellation: Aquila
Element: Earth, Saturn in Assiah (Action - Heh)
Sphere: Binah (Saturn)

Keywords: Construction, Cooperation, Learning.

Description: Devoting oneself to a higher purpose or a long-term project. It could also indicate teamwork, and working with others toward a common goal. This card may indicate teaching and/or learning. Others may be coming to you for your expertise. Likewise, you may find yourself seeking out a teacher. This could also indicate an experience of mutual learning -- teachers becoming the students, students becoming the teachers. Reciprocity is implied. Focused labor and determination play a major role here as well, and this is only the beginning. A card of initiation, this is the building up of a solid foundation. The 3 of Pentacles alludes to: Endurance, persistence, cultivating one's skills, and mastering the craft.

This is a matriarchal card with its yonic architecture. This hints at motherhood, fertility, creativity, the birthing process, and an inner sanctuary -- as it appears to be inside some sort of church or cathedral. The three figures could represent Mother, Father, and the Son/Sun. The Son/Sun (aka the True Self/Heart) representing the carpenter or artisan. The yonic architecture is related to the Ichthys (Jesus Fish) and/or Vesica Piscis. The mandorla represents the union of Subconsciousness (Mother) and Self-consciousness (Father) to give rise to Super-consciousness (Sun). Perhaps you're going through a consciousness shift or upgrade, and are being asked to have faith in, trust in, and participate in the process. A shift that will eventually crystallize tangible results in one's day-to-day reality. This could mean physical changes to one's body (kundalini -- the nervous system and the endocrine system) as well as one's environment. Changes that may be expedited through inspired action and habitual adjustments.

What are we feeding our body? What are we feeding our minds? Which desires are we feeding and feasting on? And what will that nourishment build for us in the future? What we feed, we build upon. What we feed on, is built into us. This can be both constructive and destructive, depending on the quantity and quality of our (spiritual, emotional, sexual, et cetera) nutrition. The Venusian influences can be easily felt here.

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