Welcome Seeker

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Part One: The Observer Effect

Constellation (Apple TV)

Dark Matter

Matter and Anti-Matter

You find yourself in liminal space, the no-place between what was and what will be. You have come to a crossroads, the threshold between worlds. A space where the ordinary, the known, dissolves into the extraordinary, the unknown. This is a realm of all-possibility.

A choice point has been reached. It is both a call to action and a call to surrender. Regardless of which path you choose, transformation is inevitable. Trust in the underlying currents tugging forward, those little nudges from your intuition as they silently guide you.

Along this cusp of non-being, one should expect to encounter figures who embody the archetype of the trickster, serving as teachers in disguise. These are not external mentors but projections and embodiments of the Self's shadow—those hidden, suppressed, or repressed fragments that remain unexamined or rejected.

The trickster-teacher's lessons are unsettling yet invaluable, compelling the individual to confront the depths of their psyche. These lessons serve not only to answer your burning questions, but also to help you to discover the deeper questions you haven't yet thought to ask.

This crossroads is not merely a place of choice but a crucible for alchemical change. To engage with these shadows is to integrate the disowned aspects of the Self, a process necessary for reaching authenticity and spiritual growth. The traveler on this path discovers that what was once feared or dismissed holds the key to wholeness.

Choronzon, often called the "Dweller in the Abyss," is a perfect example of a trickster-teacher you might face on your spiritual journey. He's not just there to mess with you—though it can feel like that—but to challenge you by throwing illusions and distractions your way. What 'he's' really doing is holding up a mirror to your own fears, doubts, and fragmented sense of self. If you face and engage him, you're pushed to face your inner chaos and break through the limits of your ego. Ultimately, his seemingly insidious brand of 'tough love' forces you to level up spiritually.

In your everyday life, these trickster figures manifest not as fantastical beings but through the circumstances, challenges, and people you encounter—especially during times of upheaval (The Tower tarot card comes to mind) or uncertainty. A health crisis might force you to confront your vulnerability, unresolved fears, or neglected self-care, becoming a wake-up call to realign your life. Being deceived by others or experiencing betrayal might shatter illusions of trust or control, compelling you to examine your boundaries and discernment. Relationships ending, or even the loss of a loved one, can catalyze profound growth by forcing you to reconcile with impermanence and explore what truly matters.

"The soul needs an outer drama that can help awaken and pull into conscious awareness the inner myth and seeded story it carries within."

These experiences act as externalized projections of the inner myth you carry—the story seeded deep within your soul that longs to be brought into conscious awareness. As the quote suggests, "The soul needs an outer drama that can help awaken and pull into conscious awareness the inner myth and seeded story it carries within." The events that unfold in your life serve as this outer drama, a symbolic theater designed to awaken you to deeper truths about yourself.

In these moments, you are between the past and the future. The people around you may seem to 👂 "come out of the woodwork" to deceive, challenge, or provoke you—not because they are inherently adversarial, but because they embody aspects of your shadow self (projection) that you've yet to acknowledge. Their behaviors reflect unintegrated aspects of your inner world, inviting you to explore your unconscious patterns and unearth the hidden wisdom they contain.

"Maybe the North Star doesn't indicate north. Maybe the mapmaker was drunk. Maybe the moon's made out of cheese. Who knows?! Who knows? Everything is so fucked up on this goddamn road!" - Dead End movie (2003)

The Underworld (implicate/subconsciousness and super-implicate/super-consciousness orders) represents a zone where established constructs (maps) break down. This dissolution reflects the experience of encountering paradoxes, illusions, and "negative existence" where conventional logic fails. This chaos is necessary for transformation, compelling the soul to rely on inner guidance rather than external reference points. Both peril (PiT) and illumination (TiP, garden) are found in these depths (which are also heights).

If Yesod is the Door, Daath is the Key

Janus, the Roman God of Transitions—often associated with Chokmah (Wisdom) and Daath (Knowledge)
The deformed little guys underneath Janus remind me of Kuato (a conjoined TWIN, like Janus) from Total Recall.

Kuato and George, Total Recall

Janus, often depicted with two faces looking in opposite directions, reflects Daath’s dual function as both a gateway and a veil. Daath occupies the threshold between the Supernal Triad and the lower Sephiroth, connecting the divine and the manifest realms. Its dual aspect embodies both creation and dissolution, beginnings and endings. This aligns with Janus' role as the guardian of thresholds.

Daath symbolizes the knowledge or "key" required to traverse the Abyss, representing an initiatory transition (crossroads) from ignorance to enlightenment, or from fragmented perception to holistic awareness. Daath, meaning "knowledge," is not academic (lifeless) intellectual understanding but, rather, the experiential awareness that opens the path to higher consciousness. Janus, as the god of thresholds, embodies the act of stepping into a new state of being, requiring the wisdom (or key) to unlock the door.

The Particle (Persephone/Kore) and The Wave (Pluto/Hades)

Janus symbolizes the interplay between Persephone (Kore) as the Particle and Pluto (Hades) as the Wave. One face of Janus represents Persephone, the embodiment of form, matter, and life cycles, aligning with the Qabalistic sphere of Malkuth (Kingdom), where the material world takes shape. The other face reflects Pluto, the archetype of chaos, transformation, and dissolution, associated with Daath (Knowledge), the mysterious gateway bridging unity (singularity) and duality (polarity).

Positioned on the Abyss, Daath represents a space where opposites converge, requiring the seeker to reconcile unity and multiplicity, form and void.

True Detective, S1E8 "Form and Void"

Yesod, as the Foundation, mirrors Daath but functions on a different plane. While Daath serves as the gateway to higher realms of divine unity, Yesod operates as the threshold to the astral plane and the physical world. It consolidates and channels energies from the higher Sephiroth, shaping them into forms accessible in Malkuth. This intermediary role parallels the function of a doorway, both separating and connecting realms. Doorways (like the crossroads) symbolize choices and transitions, and Yesod serves as the space where archetypal energies are organized and projected into the material plane.

The Lovers - also known as "The Choice"

The Lovers card encapsulates the profound moment of choice, a pivotal crossroads where one must discern the path to follow. Rooted in the energy of Zayin, "the sword," this choice is sharp and decisive, cutting through illusion to reveal truth. It reflects Gemini's duality, symbolizing both the discernment necessary to separate (Cancer) opposites and the alchemical conjunction that unifies them into a harmonious whole. This card calls one to reconcile the dichotomies within—the conscious and subconscious, masculine and feminine, inner and outer. (Alchemical fixation.) Just as a sword divides, it also symbolizes the precision and clarity needed to choose wisely, emphasizing that through discernment, unity and higher integration become possible​​.

Yesod's correspondence to the astral plane reinforces its role as a liminal space. Here, dreams, symbols, and archetypal forms interact with the waking world. This reflects the deeper duality inherent in transitions, where the unseen and seen are bridged. Like Janus' forward and backward gaze, Yesod embodies the reflective nature of thresholds, managing the interface where potential becomes actual.

Yesod can be understood through its many symbolic attributes, which include mirrors, perception, secret doors, hidden passages, tunnels, psychism, the interface between dimensions, the assemblage point, imagination, image and appearance, the unconscious, dreams, illusions, sex and reproduction, magic, and instinct. 

Dark Matter

The Qlippoth

The Qlippoth are the "husks" or "shells," representing the shadow side of creation (or Universe B). They mirror the sephiroth but invert their divine energies, embodying chaos, disintegration, and the raw power of unrefined matter. In exploring the Underworld, one must confront the Qlippothic energies—fragmented aspects of the self that hold keys to transformation when engaged with intention and awareness. The Qlippoth represent the shattered forms that must be reintegrated to move toward wholeness​​.

10:57AM CST on 1/16/2025

Shortly after publishing this post, while I was doing some cleaning, some synchronistic messages began to come through while YouTube was autoplaying various YouTube videos based on/from my subscriptions. Currently, the energetic themes that I am seeing recycling through are reminiscent of patterns noticed around July 17th, 2024, mid-to-late August of 2024, and end of October-mid December of 2024. I emphasize the October-December energy, because that's when the whole The Tower and crossroads themes really and truly began to take the stage for the latter half of the year.

The Tower...WILL fall. Backtrack🚆 all you want, but the flames of transformation are rekindling. This karmic cycle needs to come to a close, and you're at a crossroads. Drop the baggage and carry-on ✈️, move along.

[image or embed]

— HermaJestar (@hermajestar.com) December 10, 2024 at 1:41 PM

Clips via: Soulful Revolution and Turning Tides Tarot


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— HermaJestar (@hermajestar.com) December 11, 2024 at 12:42 PM


Update #2:
12:12PM CST on 1/16/2025

Shortly after publishing the first update, as I was reviewing the article on my laptop, I noticed a glitch. 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Video: Who We've Been, All Along



Psychic experiences can be quite ambiguous, confusing, and can stir up intense emotional responses (which can also trigger episodes of spiritual psychosis, particularly when not rightly understood, incorrectly translated, or when taken at face value)—both from those who experience them and those who encounter their effects. In my latest TikTok video, I shared an excerpt of a conversation from nearly a decade ago that I had with an online acquaintance referred to as the "Internet Stranger," whom I barely knew. This interaction, which I hadn't revisited in some time, highlighted the unintentional and sometimes startling ways psychic connections can manifest. Today, I want to expand on that video by providing additional context and reflecting on the complexity of this experience.

Background Context

In 2016, I was contacted out of the blue by a virtual acquaintance, someone I had connected with on Twitter. He accused me of causing unexplained phenomena in his home—creaking and banging noises on his ceiling—even affecting his psyche in ways he described as invasive. At the time, I was navigating my own journey of psychic discovery. I knew I had a heightened ability to tap into the collective unconscious and connect with the psyches of others, but I didn't yet fully understand the extent of this ability or its unintended consequences.

His accusations were unsettling. While I had no conscious intent to connect with him or affect his environment, his claims were specific and very clearly emotionally charged. This conversation has stayed with me for years, leaving me questioning how much influence I truly had and how my abilities might unintentionally impact others.

A Decade of Reflection

It really wasn't until recently, when I came across a series of surprising synchronicities, that I found validation for what this Internet Stranger had described. This new information confirmed that my unintentional connection to him and the strange occurrences he experienced could indeed have been a result of my abilities. Revisiting this conversation after nearly a decade has been a humbling reminder of the power and complexity of psychic phenomena—and the ethical questions that come with it.

Why I'm Sharing This Now

Sharing personal experiences, especially ones as charged as this, can be daunting. I've wrestled with the fear of being judged, misunderstood, or labeled negatively. However, especially in light of the popular release of the Telepathy Tapes, I believe that bringing these stories into the open is important—not just for my own growth but to encourage broader conversations about psychic abilities, perception, and the unseen ways in which we connect with each other and the seemingly separate environments around us.

By sharing this, I'm not looking to villainize this man (or myself, for that matter) or dismiss his feelings. In fact, his candid reaction helped me to see (and embrace) the grey area of psychic connection—where actions can have effects far beyond what we consciously intend. My goal is transparency, even if it means exploring uncomfortable truths.

The Grey Area of Psychic Connection

The Life Power is inherently neutral, neither good nor evil, a truth evident in the natural world and its subhuman kingdoms. Like fire, which can warm or destroy, this primal energy is shaped solely by the choices guiding it. For example, the wands of Harry Potter and Voldemort—crafted from the same core—channel identical magical energy, yet Harry's serves as a force for protection while Voldemort's brings destruction. This neutrality highlights that the power itself is neither benevolent nor malevolent; its impact depends entirely on how it is directed. However, when applied to psychic phenomena, this concept becomes far more complex and nuanced. Psychic connections, unlike conscious physical actions, can occur spontaneously (subconsciously) and without conscious intent, raising important ethical questions about boundaries and responsibility.  It also raises profound questions about free will, who or what is truly in control, and what the cosmic hierarchy governing such interactions might look like.

  • Intent vs. Impact: While I had no intent to connect with this person, the impact on him was real and undeniable.
  • Ethics of Connection: How do we navigate connections that happen outside of our control? Is it possible to set boundaries for psychic abilities, or do they operate independently of our intentions?
  • Transparency and Growth: Sharing these stories allows us to explore these questions together and reflect on how to approach psychic phenomena responsibly.
The complexity of psychic phenomena deepens when we consider intention, as effects often arise without conscious effort. This blurs the lines of agency, suggesting individuals might not be sole creators but participants in a broader web of interconnected forces. In these cases, one's subconscious mind (implicate order) or energetic state may act as a bridge (super-consciousness, super implicate order), influencing outcomes (explicate order) beyond deliberate control. This interplay complicates traditional ideas of responsibility and free will, suggesting that while an individual's energy contributes to phenomena, universal forces (the One Self) ultimately shape the final outcome. This dynamic raises questions about the balance between personal influence and broader cosmic systems, including the possibility of a higher hierarchy guiding the flow of Life Power. If magickal outcomes and psychic effects transcend conscious intention, it challenges us to reconsider who or what ultimately steers (the Unmoved Mover) these manifestations and the structure of the unseen systems in which we participate.

Join the Conversation

Have you ever had a psychic experience that felt unintentional or out of your control? How do you think we should approach the grey areas of psychic connection? Share your thoughts in the comments—I'd love to hear your perspective.